Ability to edit the offset of accessories

As a Roblox developer, it is currently not possible to fit certain hats onto avatars in the avatar editor. I propose an idea for allowing users to move one or more of their accessories up to one stud away from where they originate.

For instance, nearly every single tophat does not fit the Riddling Skull. By using this new feature, you could raise up the tophat a little bit to stop most of the clipping. Maybe even allow users to rotate their accessories too. Do not let them move hats more than a stud because they could use that advantage to create game breaking avatars and ect.

^ Could look like this, but instead of Roblox Studio, its in the Avatar Editor
This could also be a feature only premium players have.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my Roblox experience because I have lots of hats that would fit well with others, but they clip inside each other. This is the same for a lot of other Roblox users.


Personally, I think that this can be abused easily and create some height issues (for certain games).
Players can abuse this feature by spacing their hats within a very high margin and create an outfit that looks “out of place” [See Attachment 1 Below]
That means that some limits need to be set in place, but that is not the only problem I have with this feature:
Let’s say I have an R6 game, and a door from my game is set to a certain size, I can not physically fit in with my offset avatar [See Attachment 2]

This will affect many legacy games who are not being actively updated, and therefor I think that this should be an optional feature (or even not a feature at all) for games to enable.

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I am certain all accessories have their Handle’s collisions disabled so it wouldn’t really be an issue. The issue where it expands the hitbox might be an issue too but that is really the fault of the player but /shrug


Now that i think about it, this would be really helpful, as Rthro items are not compatible at all with R6. You can easily rearrange the Rthro items so it doesn’t look like a heat of messy and clippy items going through your torso. I support this idea.


I think Roblox should automatically fix these kind of cases by dynamically aligning the asset depending on the avatar, akin to what they do with layered clothing. In an ideal scenario this should just work and shouldn’t require human effort to fix.

There are other valid use cases for this feature pointed out in the thread though.

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This lack of this feature truly shows itself in mask-type accessories (some examples being: Doge - Roblox, DMI Fluffy Football Helmet - Roblox, The Fire Skull of Evermoor - Roblox, etc.) I physically cannot use these accessories because they misalign with any other hat accessory I may decide to wear. If I do wear one of these accessories, it becomes the only hat accessory I can wear without running into clipping issues. These accessories are also incorrectly marked as Hat rather than Face, so changing your head-size does nothing.

The unfortunate issue is that Roblox seems to have been well aware of this issue (think of the many limited Doge hats that are based off already existing accessories and were only created so the hat doesn’t clip with the Doge), if Roblox were truly aware of clipping accessories and how much people dislike them all the way back then, why haven’t we gotten this solved yet? Especially since Roblox appears to be more avatar-focussed now than ever.

I hope this feature is implemented somewhat soon, had a perfect avatar that had to be entirely scrapped because it used the The Fire Skull of Evermoor - Roblox however the Thoroughly-Tested Hat - Roblox clipped right into it, voiding the style I was going for.