Animation Easing Styles

Alright, thanks for your answers.
I’ll have to do gun animations in other ways then.

Unlocking the LoadKeyframeStuff methods in Keyframe(Sequence?)Service would be nice anyway.
Having (an option for) animations replicating when that is called would be very nice.
But even if they won’t replicate, it would still allow us to do stuff.
We could manually replicate/recreate them on the clients/server.
It would also allow for very custom animations clientside just for that client.

It might be better to allow LoadAnimation to use a KeyframeSequence.
The KeyframeService methods load the animations in memory and return an “address” to it.
It makes me think that once loaded, we can’t unload those animations, even if we’re done with them.
LoadAnimation would be more like “once the animation is over/stopped, it’ll be out of memory-ish”.