Better search sorts

Here’s the scenario: I’m hoping to find a brand sparkling new Miner’s Haven Sweatshirt, instead of the old bland single-color ones. I search “Miner’s Haven Sweatshirt” in the catalog and this comes up:

No good. These are all old single-color sweatshirts. I want a cool brand new galaxy-themed Miner’s Haven Sweatshirt, so I guess I’ll search “Miner’s Haven Sweatshirt” under Recently Updated:

What? None of these shirts have the slightest to do with what I was searching for. I want to find the newest Miner’s Haven Sweatshirts, but with the current sorts, this is impossible for me to do. Putting the search term into quotations doesn’t help either. Ditto with Bestselling, Most Favorited and the other sorts.

When I’m searching for “Miner’s Haven Sweatshirts” I don’t want every single item of clothing that has “Miner”, “Haven” or “Sweatshirt” or even “Sweat” in it. I want as close to a match as possible. But because all sorts except Relevance accept any keyword match (including keywords in the item’s description - leading clothing creators to abuse keywords that have nothing to do with their shirt in the descriptions), I can’t find the precious galaxy-themed sweatshirt I’m looking for.

tl;dr: sorts other than Relevance should still try to find exact matches, rather than accepting any distant similarity to what you’re actually searching for.


Let’s take a look at one of the items that came up when I searched “Miner’s Haven Sweatshirt:”

Now let’s try to guess why this came up before any actual Miner’s Haven sweatshirts. Maybe the description has some insight to offer us?

The Shirt's Description


It’s the same case for almost every other shirt that came up.


I’m at the stage now where whenever I actually want to find something I will use Google. purple hoodie because it’s beyond impossible to use Roblox’s system.

A quick fix is to only use the assets title because they can’t fit so many tags there.


At many websites a visit they have a little checkbox next to the search bar that says “search in description”. That’d be a nice addition to the roblox site.


Ideally they need a better sorting algorithm altogether, something more complex that takes into account how many original textures they have uploaded, the composition of the texture (it’s color). It could look at the blurb but penalize too many descriptive terms. As long as it’s not publicly known then it could work pretty well.

This exactly. Whether you’re searching for a group, user, game or catalog item the Roblox search will find a way to bring you exactly those things you have no interest in. Google takes page views and more into account and thus is the only way for me to browse the Roblox website…


They should honestly implement a custom google search haha