Blending walking with animations that affect legs

I use some Mixamo animations for unequipping/equipping weapons and walking, and they work fine when the character is in only one of those states, but when the character is in both, I get jarring results. E.g. only the unequip animation will play while the player is both walking and unequipping:

If I set the weight of each animation to 0.5, I imagine I’ll just get the midpoint between the two animations for each frame, which wouldn’t behave realistically. Is there a way I can blend these animations so that the transition is appropriate?


I think @OniiCh_n has dealt with a similar problem before.

Did you try not including the hips and legs in the equip and unequip animations? That would leave the legs still under control of the walking animation while the arms would be controlled by the unequip animation.


Did you try not including the hips and legs in the equip and unequip animations? That would leave the legs still under control of the walking animation while the arms would be controlled by the unequip animation.

Do what CodeWriter said. You can try making multiple animations with and without the hips and legs locked to play depending on the state.