Camera Invert Y Option Now Available!

As of today, a new option will appear in the game settings menu for camera invert. If set to enabled, camera y movement will be inverted for gamepads, mouse, and touch input.

Not every game will have this, namely any games that have overridden the default camera and control scripts will not have this setting in the menu by default. If you are a developer and you want to enable this feature for your users, its fairly simple to add to your game!

First, you must tell the game settings screen to show the option, you do this by adding the following line somewhere that gets called on startup in your camera scripts:


Once this is set, it is important that you respect the current camera inversion value. You can get this value with this code:


This function will return 1 for no inversion, and -1 for inversion. You can then easily use this value to multiply against your camera rotation delta, such as the example below:

local inputDelta = input.Delta
inputDelta =, inputDelta.Y * UserSettings().GameSettings:GetCameraYInvertValue())

Thats it! Excited to give our players this feature, and our developers the power to support this if they so choose!


These past few weeks you guys have really been giving us tons of new features ;o Thanks! :octopus:


Do custom CameraScripts need to be replaced again for this?

edit: never mind! Somehow missed that part.

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