Game update page + Subscribe to game updates

I have full support of this. Having features like this will definitely make developing easier, as you won’t have to change the game info constantly.


I really do like the concept of this idea

However, I have a feeling that developers will update their titles and thumbnails anyway. Because such a small percentage of players will be subscribed to their game, so developers may still feel that it is necessary to update the name/icon to show an update, or to increase their player count.


Great idea, roblox developers need better support to announce updates.



Let’s make the assumption that 50% of players who bother favoriting a game would also subscribe (that number would probably actually be higher)

For Miner’s Haven, that would be 310,000 subscribed players. That’s 310,000 players who find out instantly when the game gets an update. Any players gained from editing the title, description or icon would be completely negligible if even a tiny fraction of players (310,000 is 6% of the 5,100,000 unique registered users who have played Miner’s Haven) get a direct notification would the game is updated.

Let’s extrapolate the assumption that 50% of favorites would also subscribe to other games:

Jailbreak: 900,000+ subscribers
MeepCity 1,000,000+ subscribers
Murder Mystery 2: an astonishing 1,200,000+ subscribers

This effect wouldn’t be felt right away, but the subscriber count of games would go up exponentially as every update is pushed to more and more subscribers.

There would simply be no reason to edit your title, description or icon. The whole practice would very quickly become highly stigmatized as a desperate attempt to squeeze out more players at the cost of presentation.

Even if only 10% of users who favorite the game (A tiny 1.2% of all players) subscribe, those would still be vast numbers.


Wouldn’t even a temporary solution like a in game subscription button to send a players Id to a server to tell a bot to add that players name to a list work for now? I’m not entirely sure on ROBLOX’s rules with how bots are OK to be handled but a bot that sends out a message to people when you prompt it seems to be your only temporary solution. This or ask people to follow you on twitter…


Neither bots nor Twitter are good workarounds. ROBLOX has a limit on how many PMs you can send out in a certain period of time, so you would have to actively try to bypass that to use the bot (circumventing things like this is against the rules). Twitter hardly amounts to ROBLOX subscriptions either because not everyone has a Twitter account or if they do, actively uses it. Even for users who are active on Twitter, opening up another site and following someone is a lot more work than clicking a subscribe button on the game’s page, so there will be substantially less players who subscribe to your updates.


I definitely see what you are saying :slight_smile:

But, I still do have a few counter-arguments that you might want to consider when developing this idea further.

  1. Developers will continue to change the icon/title because it’s appealing to players who aren’t subscribers

  2. Doesn’t suit users who don’t interact

generally there is large group of people who don’t interact with things online - e.g not liking, subscribing, favoriting. Therefore, there would be many, many people who don’t see that the game has an update. Therefore it would reduce player loyalty amongst those players who aren’t subscribers.

  1. Favours larger games

The subscription system generally prefers successful games with larger fan bases rather than new, upcoming games.

  1. Would people really stop changing the title?

You mentioned that it would become stigmatized to change the icon and name. Developers may start to look down upon this practice, but would players care? From experience, players, especially younger ones, really don’t care about how professional a game looks and will generally click on anything that grabs their attention.

Anyway, I still think that despite these negatives there are some great positive sides to for idea, so good luck with it.


What you are saying is that changing your title currently increases your player count substantially. I disagree with you that most of the players who see the title and join because of it are new players. I think a great deal if not all of the people attracted to the title change are existing players. When existing players join the numbers jump up and that increasing player count is what attracts new players.

My argument is that subscriptions would create such a massive group of players who will return with every update that the amount of players you would get from changing your title would be comparatively pathetic.


I also disagree with this. While huge games will have the largest subscriber pools, niche games with loyal audiences will have the highest subscription percents and the fastest growth. I think this will actually benefit smaller games more because it will give them an established community and help lift them off the ground with each update.


sorry, I worded my first point extremely badly. I’ve edited it

The point still stands. New players don’t come because of the title. They come after existing players boost your numbers. The growth in numbers is what attracts new players and a dedicated subscription service will offer much bigger numbers than changing your title.

Think about it this way: every time you update you will get a massive boost of players. However, instead of just cooling down and resetting for next time you update, many of the people in that boost will subscribe. Your next boost will significantly larger. The boost after that even larger. This sets up games to grow in a way that changing the title just doesn’t do.


I agree with this. This is definitely needed and should have been a thing for a while now.


I would love to see this happen. Every time when I make a considerable update to something I’ve made I post it on twitter lol.



Right now, there is a way to get a version history/change log if you use @Nexx’s fabrick plugin, and update the changelog via Fabrick. Works pretty well rn.


Full support.

Roblox needs to “grow up” in some areas, and this is one of them.

If this suggestion happens, you might actually be able to consider Roblox clickbait-free (because we all know saying “update” is to get players to play, regardless of why).


I think to help in the issue they should give actual purpose to the “My Feed” tab where if you’re subscribed to a game you can see posted updates appear, kinda like group shouts.


Well, I still do think that many developers will continue to change the name and thumbnail. Because it attracts new players, non subscribers and people who don’t read their notifications. If your idea does really happen it will be interesting to see what unfolds.

Anyway, despite my negative responses I actually do like the idea. I think I just have quite a critical mindset - trying to spot the flaws of something before seeing the benefits. And by the looks of the number of people supporting this, there are a lot of benefits.


Question, not to be rude or anything but have any of the great ideas like this been added or taken into consideration?


This. We need THIS.

I fully support.


Title changes never did and never will attract me, I mean the only thing making me come to your game is your thumbnail and videos if its a genre I like.

After I play once I almost never come back, I simply don’t follow a game up cause I don’t want to track its progress for months.

I don’t ever and will never read my feed tab unless it has something as useful as update notifications because when I see feeds now its some silly blurb update or a old shout the clan already changed making it useless to me.