HTRF Update Change

Currently, the rollout plan for HTRF will not work. 1.0 is a huge update, meaning it will take far too long to push. We had planned an October release, but this is too long to wait. The momentum HTRF has will be diminished by then. This is why we are now pushing…

The Revised Rollout Plan for HTRF.

This plan includes releasing the features currently finished, almost finished, and previously existing from 0.11.6.
Basically, we’re slicing 1.0 up into a bunch of decent-sized updates. It’s more manageable, and keeps players engaged.

We will discontinue our versioning system, switching to a naming system instead (e.g. the reactor being “The Energetic Update”).

There are two big pros to this:

  • Keeps momentum and interest in the game going as new features are constantly released
  • Reduces stress among the developers because updates aren’t as big and won’t feel as “important” (even though they are xd)

Current list of updates to come based on 1.0 split (Names are subject to change):

  • Foundation Update (Facility redesign, new framework, HED, etc) - Due July 10th
  • Economy Update (Currency, purchasable tools/items, security improvements, careers)
  • Scientific Update (Bunch of new labs, that’s about it)
  • Homestead Update (Condos, purchasable furniture for condo customization)
  • Surface Update (Name TBD, will contain surface)
  • Energetic Update (Reactor, meltdown)

A more detailed update roadmap will be published soon.
This means, with minor modification, you will see the build of HTRF currently in the development place live within the next few weeks.
The same features that were planned before will be coming. It will just be split up into “waves” to make it easier for everyone. This also means you’ll be getting new content more frequently.

If you have questions about this change, feel free to ask me.


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