Increasing Data Store Limits [Makes little sense]

But my idea was that maybe we could raise the data store limits (times you could save in a minute) in case like you have data that saves every 0.5 seconds (probs would not do this) but then it would save 120 times and if there was only 1 person in the server the limit would be 70 so it would error (again this makes no sense… but here you go.)

What is your use case for increasing the data limit? What can’t you do with the current limit that you would like to do? Make sure to add details. Also, check out this thread for a template for feature requests that you should follow:

Please also note: this thread should not go in Studio Features, it should go in Client Features (#feature-requests:client-features). The reason for this is that it does not only affect Studio, but also live game servers, so it should go into Client Features instead. (Everything related to the engine and live servers/clients goes into Client Features FYI).

You can update the category of your post by hitting the pencil icon next to the title. Try it out!


srry bout that

Nevermind… I just realised this makes no sense…