Introducing a brand new ROBLOX development program: The Incubator

Hi I was wondering if it would be possible to apply for both incubator and accelerator programs. I have a project in the making (although it’s on pause due to my course load) but would totally be willing to create a new project either alone or with a team if my project is not seen as viable or ‘good enough of an idea’. In other words, I am totally willing to do anything and both accelerator and incubator would work well for me.


I feasted on them with my own mortal mouth.

They seriously have great snacks.

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Yes, feel free to apply to both and we will match you with that programs seems like a best fit.

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20 days later & I’m still waiting, but I understand there’s a ton of a workload for you guys carry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, this is my fault. I promise you they will be posted this week! I decided to release Spring and Summer signups together and we got a little delayed on the approval of everything.


For the record, the one on this thread is for summer right? I have no time in the spring, but I have time in the summer.
Also when will we get notified of the decisions?

They don’t have a specific time set for the incubator yet, which is what this thread is for. The application he is putting up soonTM will have an option for the Spring Accelerator and Summer Accelerator

I have a concern, I’m from France, this experience is definitely something I really want to do.
But the survey says between the end of october and may, but I won’t be able to go in november its too early I don’t have any passeport and a visa.

this is the question 5:
Are you available to attend a 5 month program over fall and spring at ROBLOX HQ occurring sometime between the end of October 2016 and May 2017 *

Its a bit confusing, I will send my application but if the starting date is too early I might not be able to go.
I"ll have a lot of things to do and plan, like the passeport, the visa, the plane tickets, fiding the hotel or appartment etc…

And I don’t want to afford a passeprt if I’m not selected, it would just be a waste of money for me, I never travel.
So I wonder how many time do we have between the moment we know we’re accepted and the moment you should be at the HQ.
and If I have time to plan everything.


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Sorry for the confusion of the starting dates.

The reason we give such a broad range of dates is to accommodate folks just like you. Each groups start date is unique, based on when the accepted members can attend the program.

So for any foreign applicants who require a visa it would be impossible to start anytime before 2017. Thus Jan - May = 5 months.


so it can start in march and end in July ?
or the verry end must be may ?

I’m going to try to go to the incubator in the summer (if there is one), so all these questions are for the future:

  1. Is the money we get paid enough to be able to live in california? (Like, hotel fees and plane tickets.)
  2. Do we “live” at a hotel? (I’m guessing yes, but just in case.)
  3. Do we need to have a transport to get from hotel (if this is the case) to the building? Or is there a public transport?
  4. If there is a schedule, could we get a general idea on how it looks (nothing exact, just something like “work monday through friday from x:00 am to x:00 pm”)

You’d go bankrupt in a week. You use AirBnB or some other thing to find an apartment situation. Most people room together to save money.[quote=“Ninja_Deer, post:35, topic:28990”]
3) Do we need to have a transport to get from hotel (if this is the case) to the building? Or is there a public transport?

The entire town is linked by subways and stuff.

I’m not a staff member, but from what I’ve seen and heard people say here’s my answers:

  1. Is the money we get paid enough to be able to live in california? (Like, hotel fees and plane tickets.)
    I’ve heard “it’s enough to cover living costs with a bit extra.”

  2. Do we “live” at a hotel? (I’m guessing yes, but just in case.)
    Most interns/accelerators find a room/flat together and pay a portion of the rent each.

  3. Do we need to have a transport to get from hotel (if this is the case) to the building? Or is there a public transport?
    This depends on how far away you live, last year some of the guys found a place 7 mins walk away.

  4. If there is a schedule, could we get a general idea on how it looks (nothing exact, just something like “work monday through friday from x:00 am to x:00 pm”)
    It’s the same working hours as a normal job.

This is just what I’ve heard, if you want concrete info maybe PM JParty.
(ScriptOn did answer 2 of these, but I added my thoughts too)

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Fantasy Production (@TigerCaptain, @Frinigus and myself) has applied for round two! The accelerator program was a once in a lifetime experience and we really hope we can get the chance to do this! Thank you!

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It would cost and insane amount of money to live at a hotel. No, you show up like a normal work day (8 hours, choose your own hours for the most part) and they pay you salary. I would recommend renting an apartment if you want to not be homeless.

Or you could live in an egg

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Figured I’d help clarify since I’ve done this a few times!

  1. You’re paid enough to live in california. The amount you’ll take home after rent depends on how “comfortably” you want to live. If you decide you want to have an entire apartment to yourself, don’t expect to make much of a profit. The bay area is expensive.

1.5) Plane tickets: You get there yourself. Your relocation to the job is not covered as an intern.

  1. If you get a small loan of a million dollars, then go for it. It’s up to you. I stayed at the same apartment complex the 3 times I was interning / incubating.

  2. Yes, the Bay Area has public transit. BART, CalTrain and a bus transit system are all available. I believe ROBLOX has reimbursements for public transit fees if I recall correctly.

  3. You’re expected to work 8 hours a day (40 a week, Mon-Fri). The hours are typically flexible as long as you’re there for all meetings you are required to attend. However you should be available at times when other employees may want to get a hold of you. So coming in for your meeting, then working 1AM-7AM daily likely won’t fly. I typically saw 9/10AM ->6/7PM.


Roblox doesn’t arrange your living conditions. That’s up to you. If you want to pay for 3 months of a hotel stay then go for it. Everyone else rents an apartment or stays in some room they found on AirBnb. :stuck_out_tongue:

Only if it has internet


“Really really fast internet”

Out of curiosity, just how fast is the internet?

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