New Chat System Now Live!

We have changed how the new chat installer works so that Chat Modules are kept in the Chat service, not in ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage. This allows modules to be inserted at run time without assuming the that the chat modules will be reparented. This is because we do not want to guarantee that the chat will always be moved outside of the Chat service in the future.

IMPORTANT: If you have copied an old version of the chat into your game, this will break your chat. This is because your old version of the chat will look for the chat modules in ServerStorage and ReplicatedStorage for the chat modules.

To fix this, you can copy the new version of the chat attached here.

NewChat.rbxmx (217.1 KB)

Alternatively you can run the following code in the command bar.

local replacementPatterns = {
	["ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild%(\"ClientChatModules\"%)"] = "game:GetService%(\"Chat\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ClientChatModules\"%)",
	["ServerStorage:WaitForChild%(\"ChatModules\"%)"] = "game:GetService%(\"Chat\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ChatModules\"%)",
	["game:GetService%(\"ReplicatedStorage\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ClientChatModules\"%)"] = "game:GetService%(\"Chat\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ClientChatModules\"%)",
	["game:GetService%(\"ServerStorage\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ChatModules\"%)"] = "game:GetService%(\"Chat\"%):WaitForChild%(\"ChatModules\"%)",

function doFindAndReplaceStrings(thing)
	if thing:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then
		local scriptSource = thing.Source
		local count = 0
		for find, replace in pairs(replacementPatterns) do
			scriptSource, count = string.gsub(scriptSource, find, replace)
		thing.Source = scriptSource
	local children = thing:GetChildren()
	for i = 1, #children do

We’ve observed another glitch.

I resized my window to a smaller resolution and appears to have made the chat window smaller, however when returning to a larger resolution, the window did not get bigger.

I can reproduce this bug too. I will fix it.

We’ve observed another glitch.

It appears chat is loading slowly.

Text is appearing as ______________________, this commonly appears just for a millisecond before someone posts, however in this timeframe it appears to be taking a lot longer for some reason; however it fixxed itself after a few minutes.

When he says “All right.” that was a few moments beforehand, about 20 seconds or so. When that loaded in, it put it in bubble chat at that time, however the rest of the text does not appear to load. It is loading all current text now.

Incase this is relevant, the timestamp for right now and when this happened is between 1:25 and 1:26 PM PST.

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Modules moved in at runtime don’t seem to be required?

Seem to still be in Replicated/ServerStorage

EDIT: Moving the module into the ServerStorage chat folder works, so seems like it’s not using the folder in Chat

The change to the chat installer is not live yet. It will be using the folder in chat after the next release.

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Can you add 64542766

Can theese two games be added?


@Partixel @Master3395 Those games have been added to the beta.


A lot of people have been complaining that this

happens way more than it should.

That’s roblox’s filter i think.

Is there a way to close whisper chats? It’s extremely annoying how you can’t seem to close the window once you’ve finished the conversation.

The channel UI is not turned on by default. There is a setting RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled, which can be turned on to enable leaving channels with right click. We will be doing more work on how users create channels and leave them in the future.

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so unfortunately this is actually how often the filtering service goes down or otherwise errors. you don’t notice this in the old chat because you don’t even know if your chat was sent or filtered. all I can really say is that they are working to improve the stability of the filtering service. sorry about that!

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does that mean some chats don’t get filtered?

no, it means some chats dont actually get sent through i think.

Do developers currently have access to this feature in a place that is beta testing this feature or is this an addition for the future?

Place ID: 105477669

Place ID #2: 142522992

Yes, developers can turn it on by setting RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled to true in the ChatSettings module.

Thank you!