New Selection Object

I really hope to see this happen. Like, REALLY like.


47 replies, 81 likes, what more do we need :confused:


49 replies and 83 likes, you’re welcome.

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Actually, this is the 49th reply, and 81 likes so far :slight_smile:

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would be neat too :smiley:

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This would be a terrific feature, nice examples of certain uses are mentioned in the replies.
This’d probably be nice for toon shading.

Support! :fist:

kudos for using metroid prime screenshots lol

i hope this happens soon enough i need it pretty urgently ):

Kind of a bump I guess, I would love for this to be a thing.

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me too

The amount of uses for a feature like this are unimaginable, my support goes to this.

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I fully support this, also out of curiosity, if this were to be done, would that mean that this could be done too?

A year and 100+ likes later and no staff member response :frowning:


As Dave said on the stream, someone should go grab him and enlighten him on this majesty.
He will have his textnote ready.

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this was missing at RDC ): its still much needed

I think this is kind of similar to the SurfaceProjection object feature request, as in putting an image or texture just over any area like the ground or models. Of course, this isn’t the same but these are two features I would really like and really think would help make much better stuff.

Weird comparison, but okay, I guess you have some point :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, as in the examples EchoReaper was showing with textures on models moving and stuff, just kinda made me think of it.


#7 all-time best topic (and most popular feature request), but no word from staff :thinking: @zeuxcg Has this been brought up internally yet? It looks like there’s plenty of desire and use cases for the feature.


This has been brought up internally and we have an item on the roadmap for investigation - there are different ways to implement this that satisfy different use cases but not others, and have different performance implications - we have to pick a way that can work on all platforms and is reasonably scalable in terms of number of objects/complexity of objects. Don’t expect this to happen soon, but it is on the radar.