Remove "Discord" from the text filter blacklist

The problem is that people tell this to under 13 players. Or tell people to get in contant on Discord which can be problematic.

It should be fully cencored for people under 13 (as they can’t use it anyways)

I never said nor implied that under 13 players should have access to Discord. There are separate filters for a reason.

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You want my opinion?

They almost certainly know users will get creative with linking to their discord servers various methods for getting around the filtering. Imagine the prohibition era but for discord links lol. When there isn’t a native method of doing something it can’t be regulated or controlled, opening the door for bad actors to do harm by faking links or impersonating for example.

Now Roblox still wants to push Guilded as the preferred social platform but understands this user safety risk mentioned above, so they give-in just a little and give users an official way of linking Discord servers.

Like Gabe Newell once said about piracy:

The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.

I think this quote can be applied to any subject and I believe this was Roblox’s intentions as well