Rendering fixes (January 2016)

We shipped some rendering fixes for previously reported issues (thanks to @ConvexRumbler for working on them!)

  • Part colors/normals are no longer randomized if outlines are disabled on the entire place or all surfaces of the part are SmoothNoOutlines. Essentially you either get outlines + tone shifting or nothing for every part. If outlines are enabled globally but only partially disabled on the part (e.g. some surfaces aren’t SmoothNoOutlines) we choose to preserve tone shifting since we can’t make this choice per-surface.

  • Surface GUIs should no longer be visibly offset from the part surface.

  • Water/part sky reflections should no longer lag behind sky changes as much as they did previously

  • Decals on CSG parts should no longer interfere with unrelated Neon parts in the level

We also have accidentally broken fog when trying to fix fog animation :smiley: which will be fixed next week.

Please post in this thread if the fixes have any negative side effects or if you still have a problem that we believe is fixed.


The next few fixes that are on the table are:

  • Automatically use dedicated GPU in cases when we don’t
  • Fix some issues with VRAM reporting causing severe degradation of humanoid texture quality
  • Fix fog regression and actually fix fog animation

As usual, if you have a rendering bug, post it in the relevant section and it will be added to the list & prioritized accordingly. Now that we shipped Xbox I’m hoping for a much faster turnaround.

Without outlines
With outlines
I don't notice tone-shifting for the outlines one... Maybe a TINY bit, but could be my eyes playing tricks. **EDIT**: It might be there, but almost unnoticeable...

Try turning outlines off for the surface you’re viewing the parts from - it may make it more noticeable.

This one nearly deserves its own appreciation thread, thanks!

How does this behave for larger distances? (It used to be that the offset would become larger for long distances from the origin.)

Thanks buildthomas for linking this thread!

Thanks for the fog update, this has already had a positive impact on a project I’m developing.

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Also, Textures on CSG parts no longer make all the other faces render with the Neon material, which is the real reason I’m so excited.


Yeah, that’s what I meant.

It will be easier to see on low quality where we disable outlines.

My reaction to this thread:
3… faints

I still haven’t been able to read the 4th fix…

Thank you! We really needed the Part colours/normals not to be randomized for our game :smiley: It’s lookin’ good


Noticed a small issue with SurfaceGuis at fast speeds (160 Studs/Something at about 10,000 studs or so from the origin). Having a 0.001 offset would be fine for me, just not 5 studs.


10k studs… per second… what are you even doing?

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I think he means going fast while he’s 10k studs from the origin

Oops, forgot to mention my speed is 160 studs per something, with my X being 10,000 studs

Can we have an option either as a developer or the player to set the fog to whatever default we deliberately set it as

The thicker fog with lower graphics, even prior to the bug, is super annoying. It ruins the atmosphere, much moreso than models/ blocks popping in and out.

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Is this only happening if you move fast? Or is it just about being at 10k from origin?

I will check and edit this post. My guess is only moving, but I will check.

Monitored it more closely, and it starts to have ZIndex issues at 3,000 studs while moving.
Here is what happens at 10,000 studs, not moving (and somehow landed upside down):
ScreenCapture_1-8-2016_3 (2).gif

Ok, cool. Can you attach or PM me a model with part of the level where this happens? I believe we tested at 10k studs but it depends on other things like camera setup.