Roblox Official Changelog

#Changes 6/24/16 - 6/30/16



  • Added soft particles for quality level 8 and 9 Soft particles live on prod
  • Added toggle button in VR to put all 2D guis on a 3D surface
  • Added VR button to show/hide 2D GUIs
  • Paste Into in Studio now pastes into all objects in selection
  • Added constructor to UDim2 to be created with two UDims
  • UDim2s can now be entered as comma delimited list in Properties widget
  • CSG objects have UsePartColor enabled by default if monocolored
  • Studio logs now cleaned up after 2 weeks
  • Added tooltips to terrain materials in terrain tools


  • Added error message if user does not have access to Team Create place
  • Infinite loops in Lua now detected in Studio during Play Solo and Run simulation modes
  • Plugin variable no longer nil for .lua plugins
  • Studio Cleanup button now active in all views
  • Closing Server instance in Studio closes connected Client instances
  • Fixed Studio OSX bug where clearing MeshID field would freeze Studio
  • Fix to Animation TimePosition property
  • Fixed aliasing issue with meshes in Universe

#Changes 7/1/16 - 7/7/16


  • Added LOD for Smooth Terrain on Windows and OSX Clients


  • Fixed bug that caused cursor to occasionally jitter in Studio play solo
  • Fixed bug in Studio where selection box would start from bottom right corner of screen instead of click location

#Changes 7/8/16 - 7/15/16



  • Added timeout function for WaitForChild
  • Middle clicking on a tab in Studio will now close that tab
  • HttpService GetAsync and PostAsync now take headers as an argument: HttpService Custom Headers Are Now Live


  • Character no longer continually jumps when interacting with GUIs with a gamepad
  • Fixed bug on OSX where studio would close when pressing F3 in a script tab
  • Clicking on empty space with Ctrl held no longer clears selection in Studio
  • Fixed bug where Ctrl+V would not paste into other Studio instances
  • Fixed bug where CollisionFidelity did not replicate in Team Create
  • Team Create now releases script lock if editing player disconnects
  • Fixed bug where Publish Whole Game disabled on games after Team Create disabled
  • Fixed bug where pasted group of parts were not positioned correctly
  • Fixed bug where Find widget wouldn’t work after closing script tab
  • Fixed audio issues when recording Studio on Windows
  • Fixed bug with InsertService where Studio would sometimes freeze when inserting a model with scripts
  • Fixed bug where mice and gamepads could not interact with 3D guis in VR


  • Deprecated legacy Terrain API: GetCell, SetCell, SetCells, GetWaterCell, SetWaterCell, AutowedgeCell, AutowedgeCells
  • Deprecated Data Persistance

#Changes 7/16/16 - 7/21/16



  • Improved floating point handling with Rotate tool
  • Changed default Script and LocalScript source
  • MeshParts now named after filename of uploaded mesh
  • Studio now shows intellesense tooltips for Events, Callbacks, YieldFunctions, and Color3 methods
  • Improvement to property sliders


  • 2D GUI selection in Team Create now replicates
  • Fixed copying and pasting TerrainRegions in Team Create
  • Holding tab in Studio test modes no longer switches focus
  • Fixed bug where removing Scripts from the DataModel did not remove them from Script Analyzer

Changes 7/22/16 - 7/28/16



  • Alt+P now acts like Alt+Shift+P for unpublished place


  • Fixed bug where server checkbox would get unchecked
  • Fixed bug with cyclic table detection
  • Fixed bug where Mouse.Hit’s position was 0, 0, 0 with controller attached
  • Fixed bug where Terrain LOD was not properly updating on some levels
  • Places created with File->New now have Baseplate capitalized correctly


  • Deprecated Lighting.ShadowColor

Changes 7/29/16 - 8/4/16



  • Font type can now be set for Studio output
  • Added Visibility property to Explosions
  • Find result widget now trims leading white space
  • Content asset ids can now be set in the properties widget with either just the id or the full url
  • Ctrl + Shift + T now opens the last tab in Studio
  • Studio now displays which face is selected when selecting faces from the property widget
  • Can now set more than one shortcut per action in Studio
  • Various improvements and fixes to Studio autocomplete


  • Fixed bug where watch widget would close after starting Play Solo
  • Fixed bug where warning message would appear after typing any character in a script while Play Solo is running
  • Fixed bug where breakpoints would not work in Team Create until after Play Solo session
  • Fixed bug where Sound.TimePosition on joining client was not sycned to value on server
  • Fixed bug where SetTimeout would not work
  • Fixed bug in Studio where cleanup button only closed the server
  • Fixed bug where Studio shortcuts would be overwritten upon editing settings
  • Fixed bug where Dialogs would lock gamepad input

#Changes 8/5/16 - 8/11/16

Internal updates only this week. Stay tuned for next week though, lots of exciting things coming!


#Changes 8/12/16 - 8/17/16


  • Added custom drag increments in Studio


  • Script changes are now recovered if Team Create disconnects
  • Added CFrame.rightVector and CFrame.upVector
  • Can now publish to new slot in Team Create
  • Whitespace no longer trimmed in text fields


  • Breakpoints can no longer be set in OnClose callbacks


  • Fixed bug where script menu buttons would not be active when script locked in Team Create
  • Fixed bug where uniform scale was not 1:1 with mouse movement
  • Fixed bug where autocomplete would not work if a word contained “end”
  • Fixed bug where UserInputService.JumpRequest would fire when a humanoid lands
  • Fixed bug where legacy Enum values could not be set with Enum.TypeName.EnumItemName
  • Fixed bug where client would crash when destroying a sound immediately after it ended
  • 3D sound doppler effect now triggers off of CFrame movement and respects camera velocity

#Changes 8/18/16 - 8/25/16


  • Improved terrain LOD


  • Fixed bug where spawning characters would float above spawn point
  • Player name now always Player1 in play solo
  • Fixed bug with Collision Fidelty in Team Create

#Changes 8/26/16 - 9/1/16



  • Added more fonts
  • Convert to Smooth uses more materials
  • Studio now shows save confirmations in Output panel
  • Removed max limit to GetPartsInRegion3


  • Fixed bug in bubble chat where words at end of text would be cut off
  • Fixed bug where stack traces contained no new lines
  • Custom drag/rotate increments now correctly displays decimals
  • Clicking on custom drag/rotate increment boxes now auto-selects text
  • Fixed bug where new place without changes would not save
  • Rotate increment now capped at 180 degrees

Changes 9/2/16 - 9/9/16


  • Explorer no longer moves automatically if you have an object selected in Team Create
  • RemoteFunction.InvokeClient now errors if player is disconnected before callback
  • Sound.Volume can now be set between 0 and 10
  • Physics Analyzer now works with Constraints
  • Improved error messages for MeshParts


  • Select tool no longer automatically selected in Play Solo if CharacterAutoLoads is false
  • Pasting Decals and Textures in Studio now pastes into all selected instances
  • Undoing and redoing script creation now preserves code in script
  • Fixed bug where spring force would not wake parts connected to spring
  • Transformation caused from editing parts while collisions are on is now correct

#Changes 9/12/16 - 9/15/16


  • Move/rotate increments actions now bound to Shift+2 and Shift+4 hotkeys respectively
  • When publishing a place on close, Studio no longer closes if the publish was unsuccessful
  • Various fixes and improvements to character Sound script


  • Fixed crash when leaving client during video recording
  • Fixed bug where transform dragger would get stuck in plane mode after hovering over adornments
  • Fixed bug with texture asset picker in OSX Studio

Changes 9/16/16 - 9/30/16


  • Studio tools for physical constraints
  • Added debug.profilebegin and debug.profileend
  • Added Terrain.WaterReflectance
  • Added Explosion.Visible


  • MeshParts now support materials

  • Texture properties now work when applied to MeshParts

  • Physics Analyzer now detects instabilities in SpringConstraints

  • Fixes

  • CSG failures no longer move parts

  • Studio now hides Property category if all of its items are also hidden

  • Fixed bug where Studio chat would not mark messages as read

  • Fixed bug where text could not be pasted into TextBoxes

  • Fixed position of jump button on mobile

  • Fixed bugs where HTTPService wouldn’t work for plugins in Team Create

  • Fixed bug where Unions would sometimes use different texture mapping than parts

  • Fixed bug where some classes didn’t show in Advanced Objects

  • Fixed bug where lock tool would not deactivate


  • Deprecated :connect and :disconnect in favor of :Connect and :Disconnect
  • Renamed Sound.Pitch to Sound.PlaybackSpeed, Sound.MinDistance to Sound.Emittersize

#Changes 10/3/16 - 10/6/16


  • Increased character limit in TextLabel, TextBox, and TextButtons to 2^14
  • Added TextSize to TextBox, TextButton, and TextLabel


  • Fixed bug where deleting multiple looping sounds with PlayOnRemove caused the sounds to loop forever
  • Fixed bug where textures on unions would get distorted
  • Fixed bug on XBox where avatar icons did not display properly in player list
  • Fixed bug where Studio would hang during Play Solo when using custom character without PrimaryPart
  • Fixed bug where water would show up as black in thumbnails


  • Replaced SoundService.soundDisabled with GameSettings.soundEnabled

#Changes 10/7/16 - 10/13/16



  • Various updates and improvements to device emulation Introducing the new & improved Emulator!
  • ConstrainedValue types can now be inserted into any Instance
  • Updated R15 swimming animations
  • Studio now prompts to scale down if imported mesh is very large


  • Fix crash with microprofiler when zooming to empty range
  • Clarified Team Create disconnect messages (No longer always says cancelled by user)
  • Fixed bug where rotation did not save or replicate correctly in Team Create
  • Camera and Control scripts now only automatically inserted during simulation in Team Create
  • FilteringEnabled, AllowThirdPartySales, StreamingEnabled, and MeshPart.CollisionFidelity now replicate correctly in Team Create
  • Fixed bug where owner of locked script in Team Create could not delete that script
  • Fixed bug where entire explorer was not always visible
  • Fixed bug with SpringConstraint adornment rendering
  • Studio Explorer now scrolls with mouse wheel when dragging objects
  • Fixed bug when trying to copy non-archivable objects. Copies will be archivable.
  • Fixed bug where canceling color picker with multiple parts selected would color both parts
  • Fixed bug where descendants of Players would get deleted when moved to unreplicated location
  • BodyColors now correctly apply to R15 models
  • Fixed bug with R15 where character had two sets of joints with CanLoadCharacterAppearance off
  • Fixed bug where Studio settings would start collapsed

Changes 10/14/16 - 10/20/16


  • Can now display Core GUI in Explorer while Studio is running


  • Added iPhone 7 to list of emulated devices
  • Pressing play or publishing in Team Create now correctly saves script changes


  • Fixed crash in Team Create when copying scripts with a linked source
  • Fixed bug with undoing the deletion of a playing sound
  • Closing Studio settings with X now saves changes
  • Fixed bug in Studio Play Solo where ReplicatedFirst doesn’t work without Autoloading character
  • Fixed bug when cutting and pasting StarterPlayerScripts
  • Fixed high CPU usage due to grid lines in Studio
  • Removed extraneous error logging on startup
  • Fixed night sky rendering on iPhone 4S

#Changes 10/21/16 - 10/27/16



  • Fixed a bug that caused Team Create to lag
  • plugin:Activate no longer causes Studio to hang
  • Fixed crash in System Menu
  • Corrected emulation sizes for iPhone 5
  • Fixed alignment of several class images in Studio
  • Fixed crash when setting device emulation DPI too low
  • Fixed crash when previewing sound and stopping simulation
  • Fixed bug where Sound.MaxDistance did not roll off correctly
  • Cleaned up output log on game startup
  • Fixed bug where TextLabel.TextBounds would sometimes show 0, 0 even when text present

#Changes 10/28/16 - 11/3/16


  • Fixed bug where ContextActionService did not correctly listen to Ctrl key
  • Tool animation no longer plays when Tool.RequiresHandle is false for R15
  • Fixed bug where shirts and pants would occasionally not show up on R15 characters

#Changes 11/4/16 - 11/10/16


  • Added global typeof function
  • Plugins can now save selection to file with Plugin:PromptSaveSelection


  • Added Compressor.SideChain and Compressor.Ratio
  • Added Fantasy, Arcade, and Antique fonts
  • Previewing audio in toolbox now stops other toolbox audio previews from playing
  • Improved Studio performance when selecting many Instances at once
  • Resizing parts with transform tool now also updates attachments parented to those parts
  • Various fixes and improvements to Add New Device widget in Studio
  • Transform tool performance improvements


  • Fixed bug where studio would briefly freeze when opening a script in Team Create
  • CurrentEditor can no longer be set through property object selection
  • Fixed bug where left clicking caused high CPU usage in Studio
  • Studio shortcuts now correctly fire UIS events with processed set to true
  • Fixed bug where Studio would crash if sound is previewed before Play Solo has finished loading
  • Fixed bug where TextLabel.TextBounds did not work correctly with TextScaled
  • Duplicating a part while dragging no longer results in a transparent part
  • Fixed bug where toolbox sounds would keep playing if paused before fully loaded
  • Fixed bug where failing ReservedServer teleport breaks subsequent teleport attempts
  • TeleportService.GetPlayerPlayerPlaceInstance now shows better error message when called from client
  • Fixed error in client developer console
  • Fixed bug where R15 head was in the wrong position
  • Fixed bug where R15 shirts/pants/t-shirts did not always render


  • Studio now has 3 new cycling launch screens


  • DataModel.OnClose deprecated in favor of DataModel:BindToClose

#Changes 11/11/16 - 11/18/16



  • Added ParticleEmitter:Clear
  • Added AssetService:GetAssetIdsForPackageId
  • Added DialogRoot.GoodbyeChoiceActive and DialogChoice.GoodbyeChoiceActive



  • Fixed bug when maximizing client on secondary monitor when primary monitor is smaller
  • Fixed bug where mouse would sometimes get stuck on Mac clients
  • Fly camera no longer works on client when disconnected
  • Fixed bug with HingeConstraint.MaxAcceleration at high velocities
  • Fixed bug with SoundService:SetListener
  • Fixed arcade font baseline
  • Fixed bug where cursor would not change back to arrow after running device emulation
  • Fixed crash when using BindToClose and stopping Play Solo
  • Fixed bug where Plugin:PromptSaveSelection did not use suggestedFileName correctly