Show running servers your friends aren't in

I’ve also been informed that some people think me and @NoCollider were arguing above?

Uh, what? I didn’t see it as arguing. I saw it as a compilation of satire from two people on how hilariously easy it is to get around this solution.

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It’s clear that the problem isn’t that it is easy to access large lists of online players. This change doesn’t solve that problem, and because that problem is what this change is about, this change is unnecessary. Showing friend servers is good, but hiding the rest is pointless. There are plenty of other ways to gather lists of online players. If I were a PM bot developer, this change would not upset me.


Roblox back at it again with the homeopathic bandaids.

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232 pages :grimacing:

That is roughly 5800 replies… :open_mouth:

I understand this is for bots, but why didn’t they just remove player information from the listings and keep the servers listed with just the amount of players in each one? Bots can’t get player info and other users can still see the other servers so that they can server hop/join a low player server.

Another replacement idea would be to show the server ping, instead of just removing it and praying the problem goes away.

Not to mention, without some form of server listing we are stuck with the preferred player bug (aka having your servers preferred being, for example, 5 in a 10 player server, and a server with under 5 will still be seen as too full, creating a new server).

Overall, there’s just so much wrong with this update that could have been resolved with removal of player information only instead of removal of the entire listing.


definitely gotta agree with @IceTaurus here;

it’s often important to know how many players are in a game. some games don’t start until they have X players, so you can hop in before a round starts. keep the listings, remove the identification.

also, could we get the lists tabified?


Add a third tab for VIP servers and you’re golden!


What if there is a “friend” in a server who isn’t an actually a friend but it would be extremely socially awkward to remove them as a freind, but you just want to play the game, just in a different server to them? Will we get a button called “Join a random server which friend isn’t in” button?! Sometimes I would rather play alone without friends inturrupting. This feature is a bit annoying.


Full support for being allowed to view servers that non-friends are in.

My proposal for this update is that if this update is urgently needed to prevent the spam/phishing bots, then they should at least make it so only verified (and/or at least 1+ week old or so) accounts can view servers that non-friends are in. That will cut down on a lot of the phishing bots, especially due to the fact a lot of them aren’t even verified, I’m assuming. To remove the non-friends server list overall from the whole roblox population though, is quite absurd/unnecessary…

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Bots are fully verified, can wait before being used as long as they need to wait, can pass captchas if they have to, and pass several checks such as IP flood checks. Keep in mind that if you think you have a solution to the botting problem, then that means several full-time Roblox engineers will have likely already considered those solutions and discarded them because they won’t work. There is no simple solution.

You can use the search feature in the top-right of this forum to look for similar threads about preventing botting, you will find that many of these things (captcha, checking for verified user, time to wait before you can do anything, playtime requirements, etc) have been suggested dozens and dozens of times by developers, but they really will not work.

Support, this basically killed game/group management systems aswell as many anti-exploit based systems, were “agents” would join games to restart/shutdown/ban exploiters etc…

Yeah, I dont know.
Our posts were flagged for no reason.

Also, whats this? oWo

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Any way we could see a staff response to our combined ideas? @staff

There are games that I know my laptop struggles joining and crashes when I don’t manually join a small server (such as Fantastic Frontier and Phantom Forces), so this update is starting to affect the games I play as well :confused:

Never use the @ for the staff… Every single one gets a notifaction now…

Unfortunately, as ROBLOX has explained, reCaptcha isn’t perfect:

  • It slows down user experience because it isn’t close to 100 at detecting bots from humans
  • It isn’t perfect - services like not revealing can bypass it easily
  • reCaptcha is introduced for a ton of functions. Multiple accounts created from IP? Captcha. Sending first PM? Captcha. Forum Post under heavy load? Captcha - These baddies are very good at bypassing all precautions

yay, i didnt accidentally reveal malicious methods this time! :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoops :disappointed_relieved:

Could some sort of server list be added to such raid games? Like in Apolcalypsee Rising

It’s annoying to have to go through that for joining servers and a lot of people will not be able to make that kind of system.

I’ll be releasing a free version of this soon. I’ll update this post once I do.