ShowDecompositionGeometry glows like neon

Title and image pretty much explain it

I’m pretty sure this happens because a neon material part is in view.


It isn’t a bug, Decomposition Geometry always shows as a Neon material, as every other material is affected by shadows, shading etc.
Maybe if they added more options to the Neon material (as I once requested), the glow could be disabled, but for now you will just have to lower Studio quality.

like Mah_Bucket said, it doesn’t glow if there’s no neon parts in the camera. Definitely a bug.

Also, around the time CSG got released when we used this, I don’t think Neon was even a thing yet

Huh, didn’t know that…
And yea, there was no Neon material at the CSG launch.

100% sure it’s related to this: