StreamingEnabled HRP Anchored Bug

Streaming fails if the HumanoidRootPart of the Character is anchored.


This is a simple repro place that has a button that teleports you over a part thousands of studs away. A raycast will be created repeatedly downward until the ray finds a part. However, due to this bug, the part you’re standing over never loads, and you’re stuck in the air until the HRP is unanchored. I am able to recreate this bug on both graphic settings 1 and 10.

This is a problem with more complicated maps because sometimes the character falls through the floor before the floor beneath them can load, causing them to die.

  1. Press Teleport Button
  2. Your character will stagnate in the air until you press the “Unanchor HRP Button”

(StreamingEnabled does not work in Play Solo)

When did this start happening?
I don’t know, but this bug has existed for a long time.

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I have found a workaround for this bug.

Instead of anchoring the HRP, I just endlessly set the HRP’s CFrame until it finds a part beneath it.