Suggestion: ROBLOX should make, or incorporate, a material alignment tool in studio

Currently, the only way to properly align materials in studio, as far as I’m aware, is to use the union feature. However, I think it would be of good benefit to ROBLOX to include a tool that allows the user to align textures by clicking on the face of a part and dragging the material.


I’m a little confused [quote=“cornholio234, post:1, topic:24672”]
the only way to properly align textures in studio, as far as I’m aware, is to use the union feature

You can put textures on anything. Is there some method I don’t know about or something? :open_mouth:

I meant materials, not textures.

Textures don’t give you bump mapping.

Read the quote, it’s different from the post it’s quoted from.

You mean something like this?

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I like how the example is Wood Grain.

Make sure to post your threads in the right categories, see here:

I entirely agree with this suggestion.

Simply aligning the direction of the materials doesn’t line them up properly necessarily. I know in Unreal Engine you can do this. It’s super cool. You just select all the planes you want to line up materials with and then press a button.

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