Thoughts on 2-Step Verification?

The only thing that does is make a slight annoyance to anyone who hijacks an account. They could set up their account with thousands of purchasable assets for 999R$ and transfer all the account’s R$ without triggering the authentication (And maybe use a bot). This would also put a user at an even bigger disadvantage when purchasing the original limiteds to the sniping bots.

But how would they know what you set it for? It should be hidden by **** with a link at the side to change/see it but you’ll need your password.

If the hacker is using bots (if they got this far, they probably could), they could do it for a simple 10R$ at a time. If it’s already set below that, then they would be screwed, but then it would be inconvenient for any purchases the player.

Of course that won’t stop them fully the idea is to increase security as much as possible. It will slow down a lot of newbie hackers and reduce the amount of losing your items/stuff because if a 9 year old somehow gets my account his first thoughts are gonna be “IM GONNA GIVE ALL DIS MONEY TO MYSELF” and the struggle for an hour or few trying to figure out my password again and by that time hopefully, I would of gotten my account back with minimal damage.

It’s all about slowing them down and making it as hard as possible

Any word on how soon™ 2FA will be arriving at this point?



I now regret saying soon in the first place. There is progress, and it’s still a top priority. It’s slow going.


You can’t take back your words now :no_mouth:


This is blasphemy, no one has ever retracted an exclamation of “soon™” before this day

Justify yourself!

She took away the ReeseMcBlox meaning of “soon™” and made it the Sorcus meaning of “soon™”.

Late reply, but yes, I would use this because anything to protect my account is always an improvement, especially when people often have their accounts stolen.

Who do I gotta pay to get 2 step right now?

What happened now?

I don’t think they can speed this up that way. :stuck_out_tongue: The limiting factor is the amount of development time available

Some private info leaked. cx

This is already used by staff so it’s technically ‘early beta’ I guess.

Well that has existed for years and it probably isn’t built for high volumes of users. I wouldn’t compare it to a site-wide 2-step verification feature.

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inb4 this is the current state that’s being used by staff

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Hey my desk setup is pretty nice


I would use it, this is a big issue as many people seem to get hacked.

Also, we should look at 2FA with app as an option. You can actually redirect people’s SMS if you can trick support staff at the cell-phone carrier. This makes 2FA using SMS+password less secure than app+password.


Will roblox have support for google authenticator 2FA? or use the roblox app for this?