Unions/Meshes cloned from ReplicatedStorage into workspace (Play Solo and on real servers) turn the CollisionFidelity to 'Default' every time

Every time.

Repro: Union two parts. Put them in game.ReplicatedStorage (Filtering on, idk if that matters), set CollisionFidelity to ‘Box’ then have a client localscript clone the union into workspace. Go into explorer and it’s reverted from any CollisionFidelity to Default.

Is this for all cloning or just from ReplicatedStorage -> Workspace?

No idea. This is just something I noticed in my game. I turned on CompositionGeometry to try and see if the bug is just a problem with the property showing (the Fidelity would be fine) but it won’t even show the composition. Also as you can see it’s reset back to ‘Default’ again. They had been set to ‘Box’ before I started the test. They were changed by the bug.

FYI here’s the same unions/meshes just parented to workspace before I click start. They aren’t corrupt, it’s just the clients cloning them that does something funky.

Tried cloning from the LocalScript instead of the ReplicatedStorage. Same result.

Edit: If I clone from workspace into workspace I have the same issue as well:

This should be fixed later today.


Thank you! Can you tell me if it was just a bug with the Explorer panel or if the collision hit boxes were actually changes during the clone?

So when will this be fixed? It’s a really unnecessary performance drain. Happens in-game too when using ::Clone()

This looks like it’s working normally to me. Can you provide the repro steps for this if you’re still having this issue?

  • Insert UnionOperation/MeshPart (I only tested this with a MeshPart) to somewhere like ReplicatedStorage with a CollisionFidelity of Box

  • Clone said part to workspace

  • Part will say “Default” on CollisionFidelity

Also, I noticed this only happens in Start Server/Start Player which I use primarily, but is fixed in Play Solo which is why I didn’t realise it had been fixed (for Play Solo and possibly normal servers(?))

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Ah! Thanks for the repro steps. It seems this only happens to a client in Start server/player. I’ll add this to our bug list.

@Silent137 @Khanovich

I am still experiencing this issue.

It’s kinda funky, the geometry doesn’t even show up on the client…