Updates to Chat Privacy API + New Account Indicators + Changes to Text Filtering APIs

Please yes… Just like the good old days.


What if people want to hide their age? Every time someone records or takes a screen shot in-game, their age is out there for the whole world to see when they upload or share. It’s no big deal to me or a majority of others, but it’s still personal information people may want to feel entitled towards and for the sake of anonymity online.


Hmm - shifting up the text seems weird. The less visual changes when the healthbar goes visible, the less distracting it is for the user.

Could we perhaps always have the text shifted up line in Clone’s 2nd image? Or will users just not mind the extra change whenever they take damage in-game?

Furthermore, is there a way for us to show if an user is under 13?


My custom playerlist doesn’t contain this information, and Player Reference is locked, so LocalScripts / Scripts can’t use it.


I doubt you’ll get this because it seems like a COPPA violation (ie, essentially giving out age).


Not sure if anyone asked this yet. Skimmed though and didn’t see it.

But why exactly is the age indicator showing up for users over the age of 13?

If the reason for it is to show parents that their child’s account is protected, why would it need to show up for users over 13? Under 13 is understandable, but over 13 seems unnecessary.


FilterStringAsync returns empty string if you cant communicate with the player, so exactly why is there a pressure to update right away?

I don’t really understand the issue…

I think the pressure is to disable chat for those who are “unable” to chat, not that.

Can we get some information as to what the Parent PIN on https://www.roblox.com/my/account#!/security does?

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Likely will prevent you from being able to change privacy settings. Probably will prompt you if you do attempt to change it, and require you to input the PIN.

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Why is it written as “yrs” and not as “years”? (It might be confusing to some people that aren’t native English speakers or so)


What are you directing that towards?

The age on the site; sorry for being unclear.

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I’m getting a lot of reports from players that CanUserChatAsync is not always returning the correct result and is incorrectly stopping some people from chatting even though their privacy settings allow it. (They’re able to send me messages about it, so there’s definitely something wrong)

As soon as a player joins, I call CanUserChatAsync until it returns a result without an error, then store that in a BoolValue so I don’t have to use an extra website request every single time someone tries to chat. Is that not a proper way to use the function?

print(“can chat”, game:GetService(“Chat”):CanUserChatAsync(Player.userId)) --> false

This is in offline testing. Is that by design?

Clients that haven’t been updated will report as if they had chat disabled. So this means most mobile and Xbox (non-PC) users right now.

We’re not planning on enforcing this until after all clients including iOS are updated. @JParty will update again once all clients are upgraded. Until then you don’t need to publish these changes.

CanUserChat async doesn’t actually do any web requests at all right now and will always throw an error or return immediately. In the future when it does need to do web requests (mostly only for offline users) we will cache internally so you don’t have to. There’s no real benefit to caching CanUser(s)Chat. Our cache also will probably also do a better job of staying up to date with friend and block status in the future than it is possible on your own, so caching might even be counter productive.


My game uses a custom topbar so I was hoping you could tell me the dimensions and position of the “Account: Under 13” text so I can make adjustment to my topbar before the update ships out. Also will the text appear to Xbox players?

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Guests will report that they can’t chat. If that’s not from a session with your logged in user that’s expected.

If that’s not the case send me more details and some repro steps if possible and I’ll investigate and try to fix it for next week’s release.

Just to double confirm, you are definitely saying this policy won’t be enforced at this current time but will be updated when it’s going to start being enforced. Could we get 24 hours notice beforehand to do these changes?

I’m just checking before every developer gets stressed out worrying they need to do this instantly or they’ll get their game removed.


The post got updated last night for this.

Our plan is that the FilterStringAsync changes and enforcement won’t start until updates are available for all devices.

If possible try to have a fix ready for your game if needed, but you don’t have to publish it yet. I’m just an engineer so I can’t make promises in regards to policy, but we’ll try to give as much notice as we can.

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