Where the *#$% are my games

We’ve all stopped complaining about it because they’ve made it extra clear that they aren’t going to change it, our opinions don’t matter in this issue

muh cross platform streamlining
muh unified aesthetic
muh google play store

yeah it sucks but what can you do


Someone make a Google Extension

Merely where are you mate

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I don’t like for these issues to be left for extensions to fix, because:

  1. The other 99.99% of ROBLOX users are still stuck with the broken/undesirable version of the page
  2. I generally won’t trust third parties with my ROBLOX data, and a third party extension shouldn’t be necessary to fix stuff like this anyway

ROBLOX needs to get this stuff straightened out.

The OP had the “will_fix” tag added to it, so it looks like they will

Add to profile also isn’t working for me, however long I give it.

Sounds like a bug. We will triage and fix asap. The button not being fully visible is rather not ideal, there are updates we originally planned that we can follow up with for that. As for the all the games should show up, here is my design question

  • If as a user, I create a new place, should it sit on top of my list in my profile page arbitrarily? Is the loop of just going to my profile and deleting the top spot every time I create a place a good process?


  • Every single game is added to your profile manually as chosen by you, better?

Let’s discuss. The overall way on how you add it to your profile might be the issue here.

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I feel like every new game that is created should be added automatically. From there, we could use a drag and drop system to organize and (de)activate the places as we wish on the preferably redesigned Develop page.

Since we’re already on the topic, why is this green:


Please note that this is counter to user expectations in the traditional way. I don’t expect an indirect action to cause stuff that i have carefully configured to shift. This is not the typical way things should work. There are always exceptions. Are you saying it’s an exception?

The button not working is a huge bug and has been reported and we will triage and fix.

[EDIT] The button seems to have a delay. I will measure and try to figure out why it’s slow tomorrow.

I prefer places to not be added to my profile unless I explicitly add them manually. Places I’ve just created aren’t playable – why should it be displayed on my profile? I also imagine it’d be especially annoying for people with OBC where 100 place creations later and oops they’re all on your profile and you get to have a fun time removing all but a handful of them. Manually adding places to the profile once they’re ready to be shown to the world, and never before, is good behavior.

I think the problem is that it’s not apparent enough why some places aren’t showing up on your profile, and that it’s not apparent how you can change that with Add/Remove to Profile. It’s not just a problem for those of us used to the old behavior either – new users won’t have a clue why no one else can see their places as well.

The lack of messaging is definitely a fair point. There is two ways we can possibly fix this

  • Educate users better on how to do this
  • Make the ‘Add to profile’ button more prominent

There is a third way which might be a comprehensive design of profile customization but that might not be something that could happen for a while. Will get back to you guys after discussing with team.

Since people go to grid view on their profile when they’re looking for a place amongst all of their other places, you could throw in “Add places to your profile” (kind of like “Add a gamepass” on the game detail page) to immediately explain to users why a place might not be on their profile:

That would really only be an option if you decide to have a one-stop place for adding/removing places to/from profiles though.

I’ll add onto my previous post here:

There should be a little “X” on each place displayed on our profiles. Upon clicking this, it will remove it from our profile while keeping it active. I think this is a minuscule change but makes UX so much more friendlier.


It should be added to the Develop page so you can at least stay on one page and organize what ones are on your profile instead of hopping around to all your game pages. The develop page has like every option except adding/removing from profile.DevelopAddToProfile.png


That’s basically perfect; however, I have no doubt that page is going through an overhaul right now.

drag and drop or riot1111

No but seriously, something to that effect needs to be the end goal. These inbetween steps are confusing everyone.

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I think it’s because all gameplay stuff is green now. Website = blue, social = orange, game = green.

The green clashes with certain colors used in icons.

BTRoblox by AntiBoomz0r is excellent as well!