Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 06:47:26 UTC | #1 I apologise if this an absolute dumb question, but is there anyway to link sections of text? For example, I say > look 'look' should be underlined and is a link And the link would bring it to some text: Hello, how are you? I would appreciate any help, thanks. I also can't seem to find the discourse topic about all the different text stuff :confused: ------------------------- ItsKoiske | 2020-10-17 05:27:30 UTC | #2 ![Screenshot_20201017-012701|230x500](upload://91e9TQWadxSvJmph3S9oBuHxfDt.png) ------------------------- MissMae15 | 2020-10-17 05:27:40 UTC | #3 Highlight the word or text you want to embed a link in. Once highlighted, click the link button at the top and insert the URL. ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 05:29:36 UTC | #4 Yeh, I understand that. But I see many posts, that for example have links that correspond to parts of the post and that bring you to that part when clicked? ------------------------- MissMae15 | 2020-10-17 05:30:13 UTC | #6 Like a contents page? Or an image/ button taking you somewhere? ------------------------- ItsKoiske | 2020-10-17 05:31:30 UTC | #7 It's called a quote. Highlight someone's text and press the quote button. ![Screenshot_20201017-013112|690x248](upload://oohz7GXKkYwWm016KoVl3DqPCJC.png) ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 05:34:42 UTC | #8 @UnknownZeal @MissMae15. Yes a whatchamacalit content page. I'm extremely confused. I tried selecting all the text and linking it, but that didn't even work. I can't quote my own text in a topic. ------------------------- ItsKoiske | 2020-10-17 05:35:57 UTC | #9 [quote="Xx_FROSTBITExX, post:8, topic:824491"] I can’t quote my own text in a topic [/quote] That's strange... Try quoting text that isn't yours? ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 05:42:08 UTC | #10 ![--____--|416x385](upload://4oVDLqZglUw2sjze4GwpQZ0wul4.png) I can quote a whole topic, but I cant quote a word or sentence, that is mine. Obviously I can quote others. Knowing me I probably am messing up somewhere. ------------------------- sjr04 | 2020-10-17 05:44:16 UTC | #11 I am able to quote myself? Could you perhaps send a video or a screenshot of you doing it? ![image|690x298](upload://6Dqs77E9hUN3MUtJ5Poy4n6rxx2.png) ------------------------- ItsKoiske | 2020-10-17 05:48:16 UTC | #12 OH you want to quote yourself while you make the post. >This will be an excellent way to quote yourself [quote="Me I guess?"] This is a quote example [/quote] ![image|405x121](upload://i0VNoRu6G2PTxEJbCpwTrXfVQb1.png) Some people do it after they initially post to get the post ID [quote="Krunnie, post:12, topic:824491"] This will be an excellent way to quote yourself [/quote] ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 05:57:32 UTC | #13 ![Yes|689x206](upload://yXTiZlzzpSU6ikmxqb5qNcbwYjH.png) You have to zoom btw. So, I'm kinda lost. ------------------------- sjr04 | 2020-10-17 06:08:06 UTC | #14 Do you know of any posts in particular that did this? You can use `devfoum.roblox.com/raw/topic_id` on Discourse to get the raw text of a post. For instance https://devforum.roblox.com/raw/824491 gives ![image|690x331](upload://b3x1sr5rCqLOZ1b9L4mhzMJIkss.png) You can do this for replies too, so the raw text of this reply is ![image|690x331](upload://fQWEKZJEOkpnizXz88RiDxM47Cw.png) https://devforum.roblox.com/raw/824491/14 ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-17 06:17:19 UTC | #15 Hmm, I can't recall of them at the top of my head. All I remember was this is common for the content page of tutorials. It'll have all the topics listed in a word or so, and when you click on them it bring you into more detail. But I shall experiment and see. Like what @MissMae15 mentioned. > Like a contents page? I'm am once again sorry for creating a hassle. ------------------------- DMCPEPlays | 2020-10-17 07:54:27 UTC | #16 AmusingDev has made a formatting guide, hopefully you'll find what you're looking for: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/developer-forum-formatting-guide/456083 ------------------------- colbert2677 | 2020-10-20 04:05:48 UTC | #17 You mean like a table of contents? You will need to use HTML tags for that. For headings use the hn tag where n represents the header level (1-6 or higher; higher number means bigger heading) and use the a href tag to link to a heading. Your elements should have ids. For headings: `

` For jumping to headings: `` I have a header (and reply test for the Bulletin Board category) here: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/thread-reply-test/426887 ------------------------- Xx_FROSTBITExX | 2020-10-18 00:07:20 UTC | #18 Thank you so much, I think that's what I needed! And I also found about `AnchorPoints` so thankyou @DMCPEPlays for linking me that guide. I think AnchorPoints and Table of contents is what I needed. I apologise for the misleading title( I wasn't sure what it's called) and bother. -------------------------