local Module = {} local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Tool = script.Parent local longString = "3011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303301100302200220311303300330303304400440330330033033011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303301100302200220311303300330303304400440330330033033011003022002203113033003303033044004403303300330330110030220022031130330033030330440044033033003303" local Decoder = function(...) local M, N, c = {...}, {}, "" for i = 48, 52 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 5) end for i = 53, 57 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 5) end for i = 65, 77 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 13) end for i = 78, 90 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 13) end for i = 97, 109 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 13) end for i = 110, 122 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 13) end for i = 32, 39 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 8) end for i = 40, 47 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 8) end for i = 58, 60 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 3) end for i = 61, 63 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 3) end for i = 91, 92 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i + 2) end for i = 93, 94 do N[string.char(i)] = c.char(i - 2) end N["\9"] = "\64" N["\64"] = "\9" return M[1]:gsub(".", N), N end Module.Encrypt = function(EncryptPart) if not RunService:IsClient() then return longString end local LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Character = LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer["Character"] local Tool = Character and Tool:IsDescendantOf(Character) and Tool local HumanoidRootPart = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") local Handle = Tool and Tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") if not Handle then return longString end local wasTouched = false local data = "" local touched = Handle:GetTouchingParts() for _, touching in touched do if EncryptPart == touching then wasTouched = "lIlIllIIlI" break end end if wasTouched then local EncryptedPartCFrame = table.pack(EncryptPart.CFrame:GetComponents()) for index, pos in EncryptedPartCFrame do if pos < 0 then data = data .. "3022002203" end data = data .. math.abs(pos) if typeof(index) == "number" and index < #EncryptedPartCFrame then data = data .. "3011001103" end end data = data .. "56588558858" EncryptedPartCFrame = table.pack(Handle.CFrame:GetComponents()) for index, pos in EncryptedPartCFrame do if pos < 0 then data = data .. "3022002203" end data = data .. math.abs(pos) if typeof(index) == "number" and index < #EncryptedPartCFrame then data = data .. "3011001103" end end data = data .. "56588558858" local CharacterPosition = HumanoidRootPart.Position EncryptedPartCFrame = table.pack(HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:GetComponents()) for index, pos in EncryptedPartCFrame do if pos < 0 then data = data .. "3022002203" end data = data .. math.abs(pos) if typeof(index) == "number" and index < #EncryptedPartCFrame then data = data .. "3011001103" end end return Decoder(data) else return longString end end if not game.Players.LocalPlayer then Module.Decrypt = function(EncryptedCFrame) if not RunService:IsServer() then return end local Decrypted = Decoder(EncryptedCFrame) Decrypted = Decrypted:gsub("3011001103", ",") Decrypted = Decrypted:gsub("3044004403", ".") Decrypted = Decrypted:gsub("3022002203", "-") Decrypted = Decrypted:gsub("56588558858", "|") Decrypted = Decrypted:split("|") local CFrame1 = CFrame.new(table.unpack(Decrypted[1]:split(","))) local CFrame2 = CFrame.new(table.unpack(Decrypted[2]:split(","))) local Vector1 = Vector3.new(table.unpack(Decrypted[3]:split(","))) return CFrame2, CFrame1, Vector1 end Module.CheckEncryptError = function(u) return u == longString end end return Module