" 00:47:04.895 - is not a valid member of Teams"

So basically, I’m getting a strange error. I have written code in that would automatically assign a user to their team based on their group rank in this group and this group.

As you can tell by the title, I keep on getting the same error over and over again. In the script below, line 24 is having issues.

I have rewritten it multiple times, and I’m probably just too tired to function properly. (It’s 12:50 AM and I woke up early today.)

	local rank = newPlayer:GetRankInGroup(6584195)
    local teamName = ""
    if rank == 255 then
        teamName = "king" 
    elseif rank == 254 or 253 then
        teamName = "dancebattle"
    elseif rank == 1 then
        teamName = "onionLR"
	elseif rank == 5 or rank == 6 or rank == 7 or rank == 8 or rank == 9 then
		teamName = "onionLR"
	elseif rank == 10 or rank == 11 or rank == 12 or rank == 13 or rank == 14 then
		teamName = "onionHR"
	elseif rank == 15 or rank == 251 then
        teamName = "onionHICOM"
	newPlayer.TeamColor = game.Teams[teamName].TeamColor
	local rank1 = newPlayer:GetRankInGroup(6898035)
	local teamName1 = ""
	if rank1 == 1 or rank1 == 2 or rank1 == 3 or rank1 == 4 or rank1 == 230 then
		teamName1 = "onionGuard"
	newPlayer.TeamColor = game.Teams[teamName1].TeamColor --ERROR OCCURS RIGHT HERE

Thanks for the help, I’m going to bed.


Since teamName1 is only given a real team name for ranks 1-4 and 230, any other case will search for the team name “”, which returns nil, which will then error when you try to get the TeamColor of a nil value.

Replace with this:

	if rank1 == 1 or rank1 == 2 or rank1 == 3 or rank1 == 4 or rank1 == 230 then
		newPlayer.TeamColor = game.Teams["onionGuard"].TeamColor

Thanks, appreciate it. (30 char.)

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