10,000R$ looking for someone to import ui

About The Job

Im looking for someone to import ~15 frames of UI from Adobe Xd into roblox studio. I don’t have time to babysit someone so I need someone competent who knows how to lay out UI within studio (Using grid layouts for inventory frames, nice parent child structure, scaling, aspect ratios etc.) I won’t pay for a crap, low effort job and I will require the studio file before payment so I can validate scaling and descendants structure, if you are not happy with this don’t take the job.


Im paying 10k R$ via shirt (+tax) / group funds. Don’t really care which but if you want funds I need to know early on so I can get it pending.

Contact Us

You can contact me on the developer forum with some sort of validation of previous ui you have imported (I would prefer an rbxl / rbxm file so I can check scaling and file structure.)

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I can do that no problem! Can you DM me? Or add me on discord at HendricoMaximus#3696!

I can do that or show you how to do it contact me!

@CrazyMixDev @Officiall_Studios please apply using the application process I outlined in the post

I’m going to point out you’ll have trouble finding an experienced UI creator, as they (including myself) are extremely reluctant sharing rbxl files because anybody can come over and steal our work.

The way you have your post outlined, you’re only going to attract people that have nothing to lose.


Hiya! I can do that for a lower price too.

It’s a dilemma, since any UI I have imported (and I imagine for most other designers) is for clients. I do not imagine that a client would appreciate having their private commission exposed, even to someone credible. It isn’t my property anymore, it’s theirs.

Yes, if someone isn’t interested or agree with your terms they can go elsewhere. However, I repeat. You won’t be attracting professionals with your post.

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Then make a custom one for this application? Many other recruitment posts do this. (Including this one here: [CLOSED] UI Designer for Strucid (100K - 200K Robux) which requires you to come up with your own UI for the game which is arguably much harder then just importing UI into studio.)

Weird, once you have the work, why would you pay?

This is just a setup to get scammed lol

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That’s great and perfect for people getting ready to make a career out of UI.

But people that make a living off it already just don’t have the time to make an entire UI set, and then import it into studio just for a single example for a single person.

Im not saying it has to be detailed, you just have to prove that you can do it and that your not wasting his time.

@PMGDesigns He has done this before though?

Maybe he has but I’m sure all testing can be done on a screnshare.

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I ain’t saying it has to be detailed either, in fact, I imagine simple squares would suffice. But at the end of the day, the only people that have time to do that kind of thing are inexperienced UI designers, a type that he is specifically not looking for.

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Yes but its not like this is a massive thing that takes months to do, plus if you do get scammed you can just call him out? That would ruin his reputation…

@FxllenCode is correct, [100M+ visits] LuaBearyGood - Programmer, UI-Designer, Game designer

@PMGDesigns I don’t often reply to other recruitment posts, but I can assure you that @LuaBearyGood is a respected and trusted member of the community… I highly doubt he would scam. I understand your concern, but you have to understand that Lua is a very respected member of the community. If your concerned, that is your loss.


I can assure you that @LuaBearyGood is a trusted and respected member, and I haven’t seen any hint of them scamming.

Not only is the worker at risk of getting scammed, the person recruiting is able to as well. This is why many need the work before payment.

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For almost every other commision id pay before the word was even started, but with importing UI im in that awkward situation where one of the main parts of the job are the it scales and its organised and unfortunately I cannot properly check this without having the UI. Its an awkward dilemma however if you don’t feel comfortable with it then I would urge you to not take the job.

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Hey, I think that I can do that. Contact me at Logimite#1015.