1867 Christmas Badge Hunt


Welcome, Victorian Time Traveller, to the Roblox 1867 Christmas game. This seasonal game is an authentic replica of Luxembourg city, as it was in December 1867. It was researched from old photographs, to be as realistic as possible.

When you land in 1867 Luxembourg, you will spawn outside the city church. Feel free to explore the streets of the city. If you wish, you can press the β€˜shift’ key as you move, in order to sprint a little faster.

Badge Collecting

There are many badges around the game that can be won. Some of these badges are awarded automatically, as you explore the city. Other badges can be won by clicking on a special item in the game. These badges are spread throughout the entire city and in the fields outside the city walls. Just click on the trophy icon to view a list of the badges that you have found so far. Rest your mouse over any badge icon, to get extra hints as to how the badge can be gained.

Rat Collecting

If you get bored hunting for the badges, you might want to find the rat collector. (He is found nearby, in front of the church.)

When you find the rat collector, click on the ? mark above his head and a set of on-screen prompts will appear on your screen. These prompts will explain that there is a rat problem in the city: the rat collector needs your help.

Click on your response, to navigate through the short set of instructions. The rat collector will explain that you have to catch some rats (no more than twenty) by entering the courtyard behind him and swinging your rat cage across each rat. The cage must make contact with the rat, in order to catch that rat.

Click on the β€˜Catch Those Rats’ icon, in the lower toolbox, to equip the rat cage to your avatar. You will see that your avatar will now hold a rat cage and the icon named β€˜Catch Those Rats’ will be highlighted. To swing your cage, just left-click anywhere upon the screen. The rats are moving randomly and so, be warned, this is a difficult task but keep trying!

As an additional confirmation of your progress within the game, you will see your game statistics change. The game statistics are found at the top of the screen. When you return to the rat collector, you will automatically be paid four centimes for each rat that you have collected. You will see your game statistics change accordingly: your rat count will reset to zero and your β€˜Centimes’ balance will increase.

Food and Drink

Of course, you will need to eat and drink, in order to survive. To eat, and replenish your food level, visit the fishmonger and click on an item from his cart. When you do this, your hunger level will automatically return to 100%.

To replenish your thirst level, visit the city’s water pump (located at the side of the church.) Just click on the pump, to take a drink of water. (You will note that your curser will change to a hand icon, to confirm your selection.)

(If you are feeling dishonest, you might even find some extra bottles of water or loaves of bread, hidden around the game, that you can steal for yourself.)


There are teleporters around the city, to ease your navigation. Just enter a teleporter, to make use of it. There are also additional teleporters, to allow you to visit other games in the 1867 series.

Of course, there are dangers around the city. Remember that most Victorians could not swim so you are not advised to enter the waters. Even if you don’t drown, you will most likely die from ingesting pollution. There are also other dangers around the city (such as loose swinging window shutters, wandering ghosts, flaming bonfires …) so please take care on your travels.


Goodbye, Victorian explorer. We hope that you enjoyed your visit into the past. Perhaps you may like to return and visit the city again later - we’d would love to see you soon!

Game Link

(Updated 30th November 2020)

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