Hey fellas, my names Twxtchy (not that it matters), I’m looking for a well experienced scripter to create me a combat system for a group I’m working on. Details regarding the combat system are below, and further details can be discussed in DMs on discord.
System Details
I’m looking for a combat system that involves both ranged & melee weapons, taking inspiration from games like:
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
- Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Early 2000s Version)
- A Universal Time
- Blackhawk Rescue Mission 5
A general idea for the melee & ranged combat can be seen below, with further detail being discussed in DMs, assuming that you are willing to take the job and work on the system:
The combat system is intended to feature fast and intense battles and reward strategic thinking, with melee combat being directly related to games like SW: Battlefront 2 (Early 2000s Version) with fast and flowly movements while also having the rewarding aspect of Fallen Order with its dodge, roll, parry based combat.
With ranged combat taking great inspiration from games like BRM5 with weighty ranged combat, while also incorporating a smaller melee based combat into the ranged with more sluggish and hard hitting attacks that aren’t as flowy, but are just as satisfying.
Also, this system will be made with R6, just thought I’d let you know that, lol.
Payment / Deadline
As detailed in the literal title page of the post, I am offering 35k for this to be done, with this being the minimum price, as I am making this money off of commissions if I happen to somehow get more than this I will happily up the price if it means that you deliver even greater quality.
This commission lacks a deadline, as I have no intention of rushing the creation of the system, as all that would do is lead to bugs, bugs, bugs, and did I forget to mention bugs?
The following is a list of general requirements:
- Must have a portfolio or references as to previous work
- Must be able to be transparent about progress, so that way you and I can have more discussion and ensure that what you’re doing is what I requested.
I know, super hard requirements to follow (sarcasm).
If you would like to apply, just add me on discord.