I’m currently a student from the UK and have been active on ROBLOX for over 11 years especially during 2013-2017. I originally started out making free models for the public whilst I was on ROBLOX however, I wanted to take that to another level. Over the past few years, I have been fortunate enough to work alongside professionals in the Games Industry (outside of ROBLOX) where I’ve learnt a lot. Now I feel prepared to look for some more work which I can also add to my portfolio.
What an amazing portfolio!
I could only dream of having a portfolio not only so detailed, but also with such amazing quality examples and experience within other industries. I’m sure someone will snap you up pretty quickly!
You may want to list payment on your portfolio too, since I’m sure people don’t want to have to ask that by themselves privately.
An amazing portfolio, it is truly impressive. You truly have a talent and a great future in development.
Make your dreams a reality and believe in yourself, good luck!
Now that I’m looking at your portfolio again, I notice you only take pay by the hour. However, you also say that you take a deposit worth half of the total hours worked prior to starting the project. Does this mean you eyeball the amount of time the project will take, and charge based off of that? And if so, do you charge more if it unexpectedly takes longer?
This is one of the most impressive portfolios I have seen. Looking at the pictures you put up your work seems so refined and professional it’s amazing, keep up the good work.