Going to just get right to the point. I’m not offering a position on my team for any particular game or anything. I’m just looking for a 3D Modeler who dabbles in the art of vehicles to be able to create 4 American Stock Car styled cars. Interiors are not needed for this at all, and you only need to create one wheel for use across all 4 cars.
Each car should be 1 whole mesh, all under the Roblox limit of 5000 polys, and the tire + rim should be 1 whole mesh, under the Roblox limit of 5000 polys. All 5 meshes (4 vehicles + 1 wheel) should have a UV Map created for it that is coherent to use.
(I can show examples of a UV Map for American Stock Cars that help designers a ton making cars.)
Price is Negotiable. Contact me either on my post or via DMs if you’re interested. Please include some of your work in the past so I can get an idea of how you work.