Hi there! I am looking for a plugin that can make banked spline tracks, much like roads found in many current Roblox games!
The Plugin
These tracks need to have settings to control width and resolution (how smooth the track is) at a minimum. More pay if more settings which may include:
- Color Picker (could be as simple as editing a color3value in server storage for all I care)
- Road Lines (nothing too insane, just a boolean probably general non-can collide yellow lines)
- Material Picker (same with Color Picker, this could just be a stringvalue in server storage)
- Anything else you can think of!
At the end of day I just need a way to generate smooth, not bumpy tracks, that are able to bank and curve in every which way. It doesn’t need an advanced interface but needs to be easy to use. I’d also like the source code for the plugin so I can make additions or changes if needed later in the future.
It’s expected to generate paths using Wedges, not Parts. The paths needs to be smooth enough for Sphere based characters to roll on without bumps.
Use of the plugin can be as simple as Moving and rotating parts that act as points and generating a track based on those points CFrames.
When a track is generated it should be all parented to a model for easy editing of the parts in the future.
At a base price I am paying 50 USD through PayPal provided the plugin is up to the standards presented in this post. Depending on additional features and user-friendliness I am willing to pay up to 100 USD!
You can contact me on Discord Seenit#0001
or here on the DevForum!