(A-Chassis Build 6.52S2) How could I increase the weight of the vehicle without affecting its performance

Hello there. Before we begin, this issue is regarding an A-Chassis build. I know that this might not be the proper place to post this issue to, but I have searched everywhere to find a solution or a place to ask my question, and I could not find anything, so I apologize if this isn’t the appropriate place. With that out of the way, let me explain.

Recently, I got a bus free-model and started re-scripting and making changes here and there. Something that I did not touch is the bus’s chassis. It uses a A-Chassis Tune version 6.52S2. It does work very well, but there is one huge issue and it is that it can be pushed around by players like it is made out of paper. Also, another issue with it is that the moment a player gets on (standing), it locks at 5 Studs Per Second (SPS) instead of the max 70 SPS that it can go. I found out that the issue was the weight, it was valued at 2,000 pounds. After increasing the weight to 20,000 pounds, the pushing issue was resolved, but the bus would not move.

So far, the max weight I can go without the bus refusing to move is around 4,000 pounds, which is still not enough. I also tried looking at other free-models and realized that the fix was increasing the weight. My question is, using the A-Chassis Tune, what variables can I change to be able to have a weight of 20,000 pounds, have the bus powerful enough to move the player (which I assume will already happen if it has the power to move the 20,000 pounds on it’s own), but still perform like it performed when it weighted 4,000 pounds (that is, acceleration, max speed, breaking, etc, all preforming the same as they did)?

Here are the current Chassis settings:

		___      _______                _     
	   / _ |____/ ___/ /  ___ ____ ___ (_)__ 
	  / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-<
	 /_/ |_|   \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/
 						SecondLogic @ Inspare

local Tune = {}

Tune.LoadDelay		= .1		-- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds)
Tune.AutoStart		= true		-- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin
Tune.AutoFlip		= true		-- Set to false if using manual flip plugin

--[[Wheel Alignment]]
--[Don't physically apply alignment to wheels]
--[Values are in degrees]
Tune.FCamber		= 0
Tune.RCamber		= 0
Tune.FToe			= 0
Tune.RToe			= 0

--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight			= 4000		-- Total weight (in pounds) -- 3000
Tune.WeightBSize	= {			-- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable)
	--[[Width]]			10		, -- 6
	--[[Height]]		10		, -- 3.5
	--[[Length]]		36		} -- 14
Tune.WeightDist		= 50		-- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100)
Tune.CGHeight		= .8		-- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels)
Tune.WBVisible		= false		-- Makes the weight brick visible

--Unsprung Weight
Tune.FWheelDensity	= .1		-- Front Wheel Density
Tune.RWheelDensity	= .1		-- Rear Wheel Density
Tune.FWLgcyDensity	= 1			-- Front Wheel Density [PGS OFF]
Tune.RWLgcyDensity	= 1			-- Rear Wheel Density [PGS OFF]

Tune.AxleSize		= 2			-- Size of structural members (larger = more stable/carry more weight)
Tune.AxleDensity	= .1		-- Density of structural members

Tune.SusEnabled		= true		-- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled

--Front Suspension
Tune.FSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.FSusStiffness	= 9000		-- Spring Force
Tune.FAntiRoll 		= 50		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.FSusLength		= 2			-- Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.FPreCompress	= .3		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.FExtensionLim	= .3		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.FCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.FSusAngle		= 80		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)

Tune.FWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.FWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.FAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
	--[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
	--[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
	--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

--Rear Suspension
Tune.RSusDamping	= 500		-- Spring Dampening
Tune.RSusStiffness	= 9000		-- Spring Force
Tune.FAntiRoll 		= 50		-- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening)

Tune.RSusLength		= 2			-- Suspension length (in studs)
Tune.RPreCompress	= .3		-- Pre-compression adds resting length force
Tune.RExtensionLim	= .3		-- Max Extension Travel (in studs)
Tune.RCompressLim	= .1		-- Max Compression Travel (in studs)
Tune.RSusAngle		= 80		-- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal)

Tune.RWsBoneLen		= 5			-- Wishbone Length
Tune.RWsBoneAngle	= 0			-- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal)
Tune.RAnchorOffset	= {			-- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel)
	--[[Lateral]]		-.4		,	-- positive = outward
	--[[Vertical]]		-.5		,	-- positive = upward
	--[[Forward]]		0		}	-- positive = forward

Tune.SusVisible		= false			-- Spring Visible
Tune.WsBVisible		= true			-- Wishbone Visible
Tune.SusRadius		= .2			-- Suspension Coil Radius
Tune.SusThickness	= .1			-- Suspension Coil Thickness
Tune.SusColor		= "Bright red"	-- Suspension Color [BrickColor]
Tune.SusCoilCount	= 6				-- Suspension Coil Count
Tune.WsColor		= "Black"		-- Wishbone Color [BrickColor]
Tune.WsThickness	= .1			-- Wishbone Rod Thickness

--[[Wheel Stabilizer Gyro]]
Tune.FGyroDamp		= 100		-- Front Wheel Non-Axial Dampening
Tune.RGyroDamp		= 100		-- Rear Wheel Non-Axial Dampening

Tune.SteerInner		= 43		-- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees)
Tune.SteerOuter		= 44		-- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees)
Tune.SteerSpeed		= .015		-- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
Tune.ReturnSpeed	= .03		-- Steering increment per tick (in degrees)
Tune.SteerDecay		= 320		-- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS)
Tune.MinSteer		= 10		-- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent)
Tune.MSteerExp		= 1			-- Mouse steering exponential degree

--Steer Gyro Tuning
Tune.SteerD			= 1000		-- Steering Dampening
Tune.SteerMaxTorque	= 50000		-- Steering Force
Tune.SteerP			= 100000	-- Steering Aggressiveness

--Torque Curve
Tune.Horsepower		= 350		--	[TORQUE CURVE VISUAL]
Tune.IdleRPM		= 100		--		https://www.desmos.com/calculator/2uo3hqwdhf
Tune.PeakRPM		= 15000		--		Use sliders to manipulate values
Tune.Redline		= 15000		--		Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values
Tune.EqPoint		= 4000
Tune.PeakSharpness	= 7.5
Tune.CurveMult		= 0.16

--Incline Compensation
Tune.InclineComp	= 1.7			-- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees)

Tune.RevAccel		= 0		-- RPM acceleration when clutch is off
Tune.RevDecay		= 75		-- RPM decay when clutch is off
Tune.RevBounce		= 10		-- RPM kickback from redline
Tune.IdleThrottle	= 1			-- Percent throttle at idle
Tune.ClutchTol		= 10000		-- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)

Tune.Config			= "AWD"		--"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD"

--Differential Settings	
Tune.FDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%				(Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed)
Tune.FDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%				(0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel)
Tune.RDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%
Tune.RDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%
Tune.CDiffSlipThres	= 50		-- 1 - 100%				[AWD Only]
Tune.CDiffLockThres	= 50		-- 0 - 100%				[AWD Only]

--Traction Control Settings
Tune.TCSEnabled		= true		-- Implements TCS
Tune.TCSThreshold	= 20		-- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS)
Tune.TCSGradient	= 20		-- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS)
Tune.TCSLimit		= 10		-- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)

Tune.TransModes		= {"Semi"}								--[[
		"Auto"		: Automatic shifting
		"Semi"		: Clutchless manual shifting, dual clutch transmission
		"Manual"	: Manual shifting with clutch
		>Include within brackets
			eg: {"Semi"} or {"Auto", "Manual"}								
		>First mode is default mode													]]

--Automatic Settings
Tune.AutoShiftMode	= "RPM"												--[[
		"Speed"		: Shifts based on wheel speed
		"RPM"		: Shifts based on RPM											]]	
Tune.AutoUpThresh	= -200		--Automatic upshift point 	(relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev)
Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400		--Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev)

--Gear Ratios
Tune.FinalDrive		= 5.7		-- Gearing determines top speed and wheel torque
Tune.Ratios			= {				-- Higher ratio = more torque, Lower ratio = higher top speed
	--[[Reverse]]	3.5		,	-- Copy and paste a ratio to add a gear
	--[[Neutral]]	0			,	-- Ratios can also be deleted
	--[[ 1 ]]		3.5		,	-- Reverse, Neutral, and 1st gear are required
Tune.FDMult			= 1.9			-- Ratio multiplier (Change this value instead of FinalDrive if car is struggling with torque ; Default = 1)

Tune.ABSEnabled		= true		-- Implements ABS
Tune.ABSThreshold	= 20		-- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) 

Tune.FBrakeForce	= 2000		-- Front brake force
Tune.RBrakeForce	= 1000		-- Rear brake force
Tune.PBrakeForce	= 5000		-- Handbrake force

Tune.FLgcyBForce	= 15000		-- Front brake force [PGS OFF]
Tune.RLgcyBForce	= 10000		-- Rear brake force [PGS OFF]
Tune.LgcyPBForce	= 25000		-- Handbrake force [PGS OFF]
--[[[Default Controls]]
	--Peripheral Deadzones
	Tune.Peripherals = {
		MSteerWidth				= 67		,	-- Mouse steering control width	(0 - 100% of screen width)
		MSteerDZone				= 10		,	-- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%)
		ControlLDZone			= 5			,	-- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%)
		ControlRDZone			= 5			,	-- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%)
	--Control Mapping
	Tune.Controls = {
	--Keyboard Controls
		--Mode Toggles
		ToggleTCS				= nil					, -- T
		ToggleABS				= nil					, -- Y
		ToggleTransMode			= nil					, -- M
		ToggleMouseDrive		= nil					, -- R
		--Primary Controls
		Throttle				= Enum.KeyCode.Up					,
		Brake					= Enum.KeyCode.Down					,
		SteerLeft				= Enum.KeyCode.Left					,
		SteerRight				= Enum.KeyCode.Right				,
		--Secondary Controls
		Throttle2				= Enum.KeyCode.W					,
		Brake2					= Enum.KeyCode.S					,
		SteerLeft2				= Enum.KeyCode.A					,
		SteerRight2				= Enum.KeyCode.D					,
		--Manual Transmission
		ShiftUp					= Enum.KeyCode.R					,
		ShiftDown				= Enum.KeyCode.F					,
		Clutch					= Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift			,
		PBrake					= Enum.KeyCode.G					,
	--Mouse Controls
		MouseThrottle			= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1	,
		MouseBrake				= Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2	,
		MouseClutch				= Enum.KeyCode.W					,
		MouseShiftUp			= Enum.KeyCode.R					,
		MouseShiftDown			= Enum.KeyCode.F					,
		MousePBrake				= Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift			,
	--Controller Mapping
		ContlrThrottle			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2				,
		ContlrBrake				= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2				,
		ContlrSteer				= Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1			,
		ContlrShiftUp			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY				,
		ContlrShiftDown			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX				,
		ContlrClutch			= Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown				,
		ContlrPBrake			= Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB				,
		ContlrToggleTMode		= nil			, -- DPadUp
		ContlrToggleTCS			= nil			, -- DPadDown
		ContlrToggleABS			= nil		, -- DPadRight
--[[Weight Scaling]]
	--[Cubic stud : pounds ratio]
	--[STANDARDIZED: Don't touch unless needed]
	Tune.WeightScaling = 1/50	--Default = 1/50 (1 cubic stud = 50 lbs)
	Tune.LegacyScaling = 1/10	--Default = 1/10 (1 cubic stud = 10 lbs) [PGS OFF]
return Tune

I am not sure how to do this myself, so I am reaching out for help here. Thank you for your time and effort, I greatly appreciate it.

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Have you looked into CustomPhysicalProperties?

Thank you for the reply. I do not believe CustomPhysicalProperties have any effect on it. A weight part is generated by the chassis and CustomPhysicalProperties are applied to it based on what is inserted in the settings. Currently, the bus can be moved around like a piece of paper, which is why I wanted to increase the weight. Increasing the weight does help, but it then proceeds to stop the vehicle from moving. I experimented with it a little bit and found it that if I multiply the FDMult by the amount that I multiplied the weight, divide the FinalDrive by that same amount, and increase the horsepower, the car will be able to move again, with some delay, but the bus can still be moved around by some players, especially the driver who has NetworkOwnership. Knowing that now, I might end up researching and making my own chassis or asking on how to make it unmovable. Thank you for the reply and help though, greatly appreciate it.

Try increase wheel friction and density, there a property below weight its axel something I think, it should also make it more stable