Ability to assign more than two attachments to a Beam effect

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to connect more than two attachments to one Beam effect. And so, it’s impossible to twist the beam multiple times like on the image below, and also to make the Beam’s texture spread across the whole length of it.

Adding new attachment slots could be done through a button that’s shown below:

(it probably should have some option to remove extra slots too)

If Roblox was able to adress this issue, it would allow us to have better control over the Beam effect’s shape & the path it should take, as well as having a texture on them, without any seams in between attachments etc.


You can replicate this with multiple beams, but this solution would be so much easier and more versatile.

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Not exactly. You’re talking about something I did on the screenshot above.
The main problem with it appears when I apply a texture to them. Each section/beam will have their own mind on how to manage that texture, and it would be really tough to somehow synchronize it (not mentioning you’d have to use specially prepared image files).
With one Beam & multiple attachments, it would have one Texture spread across the whole thing, without any seams or differences between the sections.