Abysmal Revenue - Help me understand why

So, I have a game called Countryball Simulator, and in the beginning our monetization was pretty good, considering the DAU, however, recently all our Monetization KPIs have fallen off dramatically, and I fail to understand why - not much has changed regarding how the game is monetized.

As you can see, it’s very much under-performing, by a lot, especially in the past week. I would seriously love if anyone had any insights into why that could be, and how I could improve it!

The game seems to have a lot more players. Here is 2 different ways you could go with monetization:

1: make everything super worth it. People will see that these deals are crazy and will have to buy it.

2: make everything super over powered but pricey. This will ruin the experience for f2p players, but people that pay will be happy (this is a more crappy method, if you just want money this is a really good option)

If you don’t like either go somewhere in-between.

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The first option sounds good, but I’m not sure what kinds of deals players would really be interested in.
As for the second option, there are already some items like that, but I also want to create a good experience for all players.

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p2w gamepasses are the most sold ones usually, or you can bamboozle them making the gamepass feel op but in reality it’s not that op

This is very scummy though. You’ll earn yourself a bad reputation by doing that, but if all you want is money, then go for it.

Yeah I don’t like that idea at all lol

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I’ve seen some games do this, it’s just about how you word the description of the gamepass

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