Ackermann Steering

Title says it all really. I’m trying to implement Ackerman Steering into my vehicle system, and have looked at the web on formulas, tried them but the behavior is not as expected. Could anyone provide a formula or a breakdown on what do do?

Edit: I have looked at another post on here if anyone is wondering, but it didn’t seem to provide much help or either I just misunderstood it.

	local steerRadius = script.Parent.SteerRadius.Value	--- 15
	local SteerCenter = script.Parent.Center.Position
	local wheelBase = (script.Parent.WheelBR.Position.X - script.Parent.WheelFR.Position.X)
	local steerAngleLeft = math.deg(math.atan(wheelBase / SteerCenter.Z + steerRadius / 2)) * seat.SteerFloat
	local steerAngleRight = math.deg(math.atan(wheelBase / SteerCenter.Z - steerRadius) / 2) * seat.SteerFloat
	hubFR.Parent.Top.CylindricalConstraint.UpperAngle = steerAngleRight
	hubFR.Parent.Top.CylindricalConstraint.LowerAngle = steerAngleRight

	hubFL.Parent.Top.CylindricalConstraint.UpperAngle = steerAngleLeft
	hubFL.Parent.Top.CylindricalConstraint.LowerAngle = steerAngleLeft