[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Well, maybe some audios aren’t public anymore
Thank you so much, this is one of the best update in 2022, i guess :smiley:

It’s possible to export Roblox models as .obj files to use in Godot, and Godot is apparently also compatible with Lua, so I figure it can be done without having to remake everything from scratch.

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Dude, Every audio above 6 seconds is unavailable and will ruin millions of games


You’re blind. No no no terrible UPDATE. NO.

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Are you kidding me? This is the worst update for the developer community, probably ever. After seeing how destructive and selfish decision this is, and after reading all the replies, you think this is the best update? Give me a break


Okay, so what you’re telling me is that because of a lawsuit between you guys and UMG, everyone has to get hurt??? Jeez, and you’re trying to silence the entire Roblox platform. Not a good look for either company. UMG is a terrible company. Not a big surprise this happened because of it.


How much did the mods pay you to make that reply?


Free but at a ginormous cost. The catch is HUGE.

This update is absolutely terrible for developers in every single way shape and form. First off, games that rely on user content are dead. There’s no helping them.

Making all asserts private is absolutely destructive to games that aren’t supported and that are because developers need to go through HUNDREDS of audios and re upload them. Some can’t upload them with the limits!!!0


This is just an awful idea and 99.9% of these replies agree with me, remove this or I guarantee that a lot of people will quit developing on roblox. This doesn’t help anything, copyrighted audios will still be uploaded, you’ll just make everyone pay robux, because that’s all you are, a greedy company milking as much as possible off of the game…

As @RhysRhysRhysRhysRhyz said, the coding for advertising was untouched for 10 years and a lot more things that could benefit developers are either untouched or just not added at all.

What do we do instead ? We make 3d clothes and animated faces, that’ll surely improve every dev’s experience :skull:


Not at all bro, this is not a good update. This is one of the worst updates I’ve ever seen, and that’s even considering the script moderation update.



Roblox is doing that because of the music industry wanting to sue them. Is so sad to see that Roblox gave up the fight.
Someone must defeat the big music industry man, they put their noses into everything everywhere.
First CD’s and now they want to monetize internet music too. So sad.
Im sure Roblox is going to put automated audio review just like youtube, will start deleting every single sound that looks like a real song from the industry.
If users cant listen to real songs from real artists whats the upload sound option for then? Should be named Upload sound effect because uploading songs you are prohibited.


It won’t just be audios at this rate, it’ll be meshes too. How many items on the toolbox is that gonna break eh?
Plus, from what I’ve seen (mainly on twitter) and experienced myself over half of the audio games use won’t be accessible after this. This effects countless major games with potentially thousands of sounds included too.
The only benefits of this is the free audio and more control but everything else heavily outweighs those benefits. Plus the control won’t even be given initially so many games will likely be broken for even longer.


Yeah, like, only upload 10 free audios a month for the average developer. And most audios are gone, so that statement about being one of the best updates in 2022 doesn’t really hold up.


It’s to appeal to investors. Everything done is to appeal to them. There’s a lack of defense when there’s now a stock on the line for them. This whole platform is going downhill from lawsuits.


just use BTRoblox to download and reupload the song you need bruh

I was genuinely excited for this change. I think it’s great that an effort is being made to limit content stealing and copyright issues, plus even more awesome that developers starting out will have the freedom to upload their own audio without any cost.

Why on earth though is this being released without the ability to make audio public again? Third party applications like HD Admin and Adonis run in thousands of games with millions of daily active users. This is going to completely restrict the ability to play audio (such as notifications, command sound effects, etc) above 6 seconds long.

Roblox wants to empower the metaverse by expanding the marketplace? You’re literally destroying the confidence and value in the final few creators and creations remaining.

I mostly love this platform but changes like this really make me hate it.


Look at your inventory. Does it look like you can upload every single one of those audios in intervals of ten/month?
Would you even retain the motivation to keep uploading all that?


It’s 10 per month, not per day by the way.


It’s due to lawsuits and legal issues, not as much investors. The stock price took a bit of a dive this morning :chart_with_downwards_trend:


thats from june of 2021, outdated and not true for why theyre doing this update.