[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

you forgot to require() the APM module

local APM = require(big_greedy_monopoly_driven_company:WaitForChild('APM'))



You clearly didnt read the whole post.

ALL audios above 6 seconds are going private, which means you cant use them
ALL new audio will be private by default, which means you cant use them


I absolutely hate this update; I personally have a group with 200 members (So a small one) and my community comes mostly for the games I’ve made over the past 3-4 years. Most of these games have music and audio in them and now you’re taking that away. Roblox here’s a better Idea, why not just keep the existing audio that is owned by the company’s you’re partnering up with or at least refund the people who bought audio?


We can’t spend millions of dollars that we don’t have for audio. Why make us small devs suffer for the things that other people upload.


Why does Roblox always have to be so drastic about their changes? Why can’t users make audios for people to use? There should be an option to un-private audios. This change is absolutely stupid.


Already started learning Unity. Anything’s better than continuing much further with this overpriced and badly moderated platform. Not to mention the fact that skills developed in studio modelling wise can’t be easily transferred out the platform.

local NMPA = {}

local function HasMadeMeMad(company: Company): boolean
    return true

function NMPA:Sue(company: Company): boolean
    if HasMadeMeMad(company) then
        return true
    return false

return NMPA
local NMPA = require(GreedyCompanies:WaitForChild("NMPA"))

print(tostring(NMPA:Sue(companies:WaitForChild("Roblox")))) -- true

Basically sums up why this is happening. Thanks NMPA!

local Robloxnob = _G.roblox()

Honestly, I’m gonna give my true opinion on this.
This update is the worst thing that ever happened to Roblox, this is like a backstab that is slowly still climbing down your back with all the other updates,
Roblox premium has no more use after literally everything has been made free of what perks it had,
A lot of games will be ruined due to the fact that they use private sounds given, hear me out; for FREE most accounts which have uploaded useful sounds will now have no more use as they are probably inactive.

A lot of owners now need to update their game within 16 days which is impossible to reach especially for games with not a big development team, if this came out, please make it from a certain date such as after March 22, this update is cool, but at what cost? millions of online “experiences” ruined by this update.


I feel like this change will cost roblox more money than the lawsuit. Speculation will probably make their stock value drop even more than it already did. Many developers will outright quit, and as soon as this change applies tons of players will stop playing because they’re gonna wonder why their games have no sounds and if their speakers broke and because some of their favorite games will close and their devs gone.


I know people say it a lot with many updates, but this is quite literally the worst update I’ve ever seen pushed onto the platform. While it may be nice to finally be able to upload audios for free, but this is what the main issue is;

The whole “copyright” argument I’ve seen some people throw arround is complete bull, if you’re unable to accurately make sure copyrighted audios aren’t getting uploaded onto the platform. Maybe instead of doing these harmful updates, you put some of your revenue towards getting a better AI Copyright detection system. Or maybe if a developer upload (or uses) a copyrighted sound the revenue goes to the copyright holder (like with YouTube)

Please Roblox we beg of you to re-evaluate the decision and choose a better, less harmful resolution. As this will only harm developers (big and small.)


I just realized, what if we look at it this way:

We let the update pass. Hundreds, if not thousands of players and developers quit.

There is less competition on Roblox.

Once this limbo is over, use alts/bots to upload audio of anything you like.

Continue like nothing happened.

Profit :wink:


Not to mention the fact it’ll eventually make the toolbox almost useless if all the plans are implemented.

While some users are likely upset by this change I think in the long run it’s going to be a good thing. There is tons of free sounds out there for people to upload if they look for it. Having more privacy for our assets is always a good thing and it gives people who create audio actual value to their work finally.

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We’ll all audios above 6 seconds are deleted, not to mention if Roblox devs quit it could be worse for Roblox.

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OHHHH bruh thats just useless innit. I aploplogise about my earlier post! this sucks… does this mean all audio that already exists is not going to work anymore?

local function makeaudiofree(thecatch)
    audio.price = Enum.Price.free -- make people happy :)
    lolroblox.audiouppload.additionalinfo = {thecatch} -- make people angry >:(
makeaudiofree("commit audio nonexistant")

sad times


Me and my friend are downloading godot right now, this is gonna be fun


They’re not deleted, just privated. Read a bit more.


Damn right, we’ll make Roblox’s daily active users skyrocket from 48 million to about 900 million (looks good on them :wink:)