Ad/sponsor strategy for my game

Hello, I’m the owner of Infection:Tag! - Roblox. The game is not done yet however it’s time to start thinking about advertisement and the strategy for this. This is my first game I’ve developed so I’m pretty new to this. However I’ve advertised clothing before. Now before you comment that there’s a lot of other posts like this, I know, but I couldn’t find all answers for my questions. I have about 10-12k for ads. The game is mobile/tablet friendly but does not support console.

One strategy was to try and grow a community and advertise the game there, however I can’t do that for different reasons.

Another strategy was to buy a few small ads at first, like 500 on sponsoring the game, 500 on a skyscraper ad and 500 on box ads. And then see which one did best and spend the rest on that one. Though this might be a good strategy for some games I don’t think it’s the best one for mine.

Another strategy I’ve seen is spending like 1k every day. But I still think the ads would do better with another strategy.

Then I stumbled across Rolimons and their stats. There it said that the clicks on the sponsored games was at least 9x higher than on pc. Which probably means that it’s higher with normal ads as well. And a lot of pc users are bots. Would it therefore be better to expose the game as much as possible to the mobile audience instead of pc audience in order to build a player base? My idea is to spend a lot on sponsoring the game to try and get the mobile audience to play the game, and not spend all at the same time, instead I would spread out the ads for a few days. I’m also gonna hype up the game cause I have some friends with bigger communities that are willing to help.

Then there’s the question about which type of ad to go for. Like should you go for box, skyscraper or horizontal ads? Or maybe a mix?

What do you guys think would be the best strategy for my game and how much of the let’s say 10k robux would you spend on the different types of advertising? Thanks for taking your time!

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I’ve recategorised this thread with respect to the above feedback.


Hey, thanks for your reply. I changed it to game design instead!

What would you guys recommend for me to do and have you tried any of the methods? If so how did that go, thanks