Add clarification to CFrame.fromMatrix

The current documentation for CFrame.fromMatrix says that it “Creates a CFrame from a translation and the columns of a rotation matrix.”

For clarity, it should be added that vX is the right vector, vY is the up vector, and vZ is the negative look vector. My reasoning is that I can never recall in which order they go and would prefer to not derive it every time.


Bumping this because I frequently reference this feature request as though it were documentation.


I have to agree, I didn’t realise it was negative look vector at first which made for some incredibly strange rendering issues.
This goes for both the old and new documentation

There is no need for re-clarification as the vectors stated are what you just stated.

In the 3D coordinate plane, you have the x, y, and z axis. The x axis is from left to right (the right vectors), the y goes up and down (the up vector), and the z axis goes from forward to back. (the look). It’s already as self explanatory as it looks.

Just to close this old post, I added the details for this as requested:

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