March 30, 2023, 1:53pm
After a long time has passed, the issue is still happening
Although I have found a temporary fix (Works on anything)
Simply follow these steps as shown in the video:
Change Color, Press OK, Select Something Else, Delete, Press ESC, CTRL+Z
For any Administrators, please fix this issue as soon as possible, there are less than 3 days left until a very big event has to happen and I can’t work under these conditions. Thank you!
March 30, 2023, 1:53pm
For some reason the video is taking a long time to process.
March 30, 2023, 2:05pm
Since YouTube does NOT want to publish my video already, I’ll just do screenshot after screenshot.
Choose Desired Color
Press OK, then scroll in Workspace until you see your select object highlited:
Select anything else, press Backspace to delete it, then unselect everything as shown below:
Note: the part will revert colors again.
Press CTRL+Z and the part will go back to it’s original color and the deleted object will appear back.
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March 30, 2023, 2:07pm
there’s already a bug report on this, please search before making a topic, on a older topic, @Scottifly and @Dede_4242 showed proof
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Oh, that’s a very complex method to fix it… However I managed to find simpler solutions to the issue!
You can simply select the part and move it around, and then undo the movement and it’s fixed!
Or even easier, just duplicate it, deselect, and delete the original part!
Tho the question remains… Roblox, seriously? How do you mess this up…
Method 1!
Method 2!
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March 30, 2023, 2:09pm
No, the OP is just making Roblox know it’s still an issue
March 30, 2023, 2:11pm
I love your mouse cursor! Where’d you get it from?
Ah, well that’s the first person to notice my cursor!
It’s Windows 11 Cursors Concept v2 by jepriCreations on deviantart, I really reccommend it!
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March 30, 2023, 2:14pm
Thank you! I always notice every detail when I look at something, haha. It’s just how I be. And that cursor looks so clean and nice I thought it was an official windows cursor.
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Alright after scavanging threads I found an easier solution from @CrazyAlternetive !
If you type in / directly paste in the RGB value, it’ll work like normal and not revert!
Kind of teadious but well, works faster and easier than other methods!
March 30, 2023, 2:19pm
I guess me learning all RGB values has a use after all
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Ah well, you can also copy and paste the HTML value that you can find in the color selection tab but hey, I guess you can finally use all that knowledge for something! Or well until they patch this
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March 30, 2023, 2:21pm
At this point we are better at resolving roblox issues than the employees themselves haha
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March 30, 2023, 2:23pm
Very very true
I also have a question, the primary colours are Red Blue and Yellow, the value would be RYB, but why do we use Green? Why is it RGB?
March 30, 2023, 2:39pm
we use Red Green and Blue values and we combine them to make all other colors.
I’m pretty sure this would not work with Yellow instead of Green.
Ever since the early start of internet and PCs, we’ve been using this technique.
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it’s because RYB do not cover Blue-Greens, Violets, Bright-Greens PS: oop sorry someone already answered
March 30, 2023, 4:31pm
Oh okay, makes sense, I had this question in my mind for a few weeks now, thansk for answering anyway
March 30, 2023, 4:32pm
if it’s a fix then make a topic in #resources:community-tutorials
March 30, 2023, 6:45pm
It’s not really a tutorial for anything, it’s just a temporary fix i’ve found to a problem.
No need to flood the tutorial section with this, it’ll probably (and hopefully) be solved soon anyways.