After Message is sent, when another is sent a new message is not

Hiya! Sorry if my title is confusing, I’ll explain more in depth below;
so I’m currently working on a staff-only messaging system which I have not finished yet. When testing, I have noticed that after one message is sent and I go to send another one, when I press it a new template isn’t sent, instead it just edits the previous message, I’ll leave my script below
Any help is appreciated

	for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
		if plr:GetRankInGroup(Group) >= MinStaffRank then
			local NewMessage = MessageTemplate:Clone()
			NewMessage.Visible = true
			NewMessage.User.Image = ""..plr.UserId.."&width=420&height=420&format=png"
			NewMessage.Username.Text = plr.Name
			NewMessage.Message.Text = MessagingOptions.Typer.Text
			NewMessage.Parent = MessageList

If I made a stupid mistake regarding this, I am very sorry I often overlook these.

are you sure they aren’t just overlapping each other? have you tried using UIListLayouts?

This would make sense actually, I dont think I have one in the frame

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