Allow Adobe XD / Sketch file imports

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to import UI elements and artboards from another dedicated application into Studio.

I’m requesting the ability to import .xd and .sketch files into Studio respectively, for UI development. Exporting would be nice too, but importing is much more of a requested feature for me. Both these applications allow seamless UX development, and much like Blender, are easier to use than the current Studio tools.

I feel that allowing us to import such files would improve the visual quality for game UIs a ton.

Many thanks,


full support for this !!

i currently find it way too tedious to recreate the whole ui in studio after designing in another application, and it usually loses a lot of it’s quality because of this

hopefully we see something like this soon


Although I do support this, I believe that Roblox is trying to achieve this level of UI / UX development with the updates they push to the native studio editor. I hope I’m correct though, because even though I personally find the studio editor to be very easy to use, and useful at that, Adobe XD appears to be vastly superior.