Allowing modules to access each other?

My question is exactly the title- how do i even go about doing this?? If two modules require each other, theyre not gonna work.

what I was going to do:

every module is required and put in a table
after every module is required, fire the initiate method of each module if it has one and pass a specialRequire function that will act as the regular require unless the module it requires is in the table

but then, I realized if I initiate a module that requires a module, and that module has its own initiate method, and it hasnt been initiated yet, there could be problems

can any1 provide a safe/good way to allow what im trying to achieve?
another question, is there any real problem with just using 1 local script with a bunch of do blocks for “modules” aside from being less organized/harder to find/categorize things? Idk if I’m overthinking things with my issue but thanks for any help.


You’re indeed overthinking it. You can better just require one module by (local) script and then require other modules in that module. It won’t make much of a difference if you want it complicated or not, 1 module needs to be required by a (local) script in order to work and require other modules (even with events in it i think)

Perhaps @Crazyman32 could provide some insight? This is a feature in his game framework.

If you want to look through the framework code yourself, it’s all on GitHub.

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