Alternate way to get the owner of an asset?

So I am trying to make an auto ranker that ranks the player in the group based off how much clothes they own from the group.

To do this I am looping through the players inventory using Inventory API, adding the asset id of each Shirt/Pant they own into a table, Then using :GetProductInfo() on each object to get the owner of the asset. This works for about 100 assets until I get an error which reads

MarketplaceService:getProductInfo() failed because HTTP 429

Is there an another way to get the owner of an asset without a timeout?

Could you perhaps split the list up into parts and do the lookup for each part then process once all parts are done?

You could probably use HTTP request to Roblox web domain endpoints. However, that isn’t really “different” in any way because this is what some of the services do in the first place.

You could ask the user to unprivate they inventory if they’ve privated it and then make a request to the inventory api and iterate through their shirts. Hitting the ratelimit after 100 pages of clothes would be better than hitting it after 100 clothes.