With the recent deprecation of BodyMovers, I have finally switched over to the new physics constraints. Sadly I’ve ran into a handful of limitations, but this one I have not been able to find a proper workaround for. I’m creating a custom character controller here; using AlignOrientation for rotation and LinearVelocity for movement. It’s not an ideal setup but it does work. However, I’ve noticed that by using AlignOrientation instead of BodyGyro, the since deprecated RotVelocity (and AssemblyAngularVelocity) do not update correctly. I am only reading the value to determine the current rotation speed of the character (RotVelocity.Y). I use this for a variety of tilting techniques for the character and camera. I’d like to avoid resorting to vector math for these calculations, but it seems to be the only way currently. So here’s the question:
Is there another way to determine the current rotational velocity (on one axis and per renderstep) when using the new movers?