Alt+F4 doesn't always completely close studio during PlaySolo

Open a place
Press F6
let it load
press alt+f4

Now this isn’t always happening to me, but its been happening commonly enough that I think its a bug. Do note I do not have any game.OnClose connections, or DataStores/HTTP requests happening, this happens randomly on any place I open and test in PlaySolo.

F6 opens Play Solo in a new window for me. Pressing Alt+F4 just closes the currently focused window, in this case it closes the new Play Solo window.

For me (I use ribbonbar) it opens a whole new instance of studio, and will only somtimes only close out of the rendering tab for that instance of studio, but not the actual program itself, and I just found out I’m unable to Alt+F4 out of that instance, I have to either spam click X or end the process via task manager.

I think I understand what the issue is. I still can’t repro it yet, what OS is this happening on?

Windows 7

Well that’s interesting, that’s what I’m on as well. How often does this happen? Once every other try, once every 5th try, etc.?

Inconstant, unable to give an exact number, but it feels like every 3-4 trys.

When this happens, do you see any errors in the output in Studio?

Nope, but I do see my game still printing messages and warns from my code.

Does this also happen to you in an empty baseplate?

No it does not, only in places that have any kind of looping scripts.

If I add a standard while wait() do end loop in a script, it doesn’t repro for me. Can you attach a script that you’re having this problem with?

Example.rbxl (7.9 KB)

I can also attach a file that will cause this to happen almost every time (2/3 closes) but I rather not give out that much code to the general public as its almost a full game. Do note though that closing a server on the site has no porblems, moment I hit Shutdown on a place it closes completely without a delay unless one of my friends with a slow connection is in the middle of joining then the server will close after they have connected… But if you want that file, am I able to send it through a private message?

I’m still not seeing anything wrong, even with that example. If the other example you have repros this issue almost constantly, then yes, please message me the place.