Hello everyone! For the past 2 months I’ve been working on this battle-royal car game with a few devs along the way called “Car Madness”!
I realise that opinions towards the game will be different to mine so my question is do you think the games good enough towards the point I can start looking into investment? (say 5k - 20k) https://www.roblox.com/games/3326658140/Car-Madness-BETA
Car Madness is a battle-royal car game with your main goal to be the last person standing. Collect cool powerups to defeat your opponents tactically or recklessly! Save up your tokens to buy from our selection of crates! Open those crates to receive a random skin you can apply to your car! Customize every aspect of your car in the lobby by changing its color to your taste of fashion! Climb to the top of the leader board! And a lot more to think and do in this game.
Considering that I’ve come a long way into the development process and that I’ve gained confidence on making posts like these, I feel as I’m very close to the point that I need that boost towards getting those random people to play the game. Except I realize that this is all in my opinions and that people will approach this differently.
For a rough estimation I want your opinions towards if you think I’m ready to search for an investor. You can describe your thoughts by playing the game and seeing if it has potential (2 players required).
I think so because, most games are just obby’s, simulator, role-play and so on. We need more game that are not like though so yes I think you should. I like to play something different.
It’s quite authentic, and I like that. Some pointers for the game to possibly bring higher success rates:
Make sure the UI is clean. The UI is the thing we’re forced to stare at for the whole duration of the game, so it has to look decent.
Add activities to do in the lobby while we wait between games. Otherwise, you’ll get players bored of waiting and will just leave your game.
Some weird bugs, I got a random “you must be level 2” notification out of the blue when I was just driving around
The cars need colour and better driving mechanics
The game is bound to have its flaws, and that’s OK, because most (if not all) games on Roblox have bugs and features that could do with updating. Keep up the good work!
I think you should a spend a few more weeks before you are ready for an investment (which I presume is for sponsoring/ads) to fix some of the bugs your game may have. One example of a bug is this:
I would suggest get your game QA tested as an extra measure of security. Investments would really do you a favor once you know you can make your ad money back, so doing a small soft launch would help too