Ambience color stays 0,0,0 when using playbackloudness

Hello, I have a visualizer script that changes the color of a part depending on the loudness of the music. The problem is, is that if I try to use it with the ambience color lighting, it stays at 0,00 and doesn’t lerp to the second color, vice versa first. I’ve haven’t tried anything else since I literally have no idea why it doesn’t work.

local Color1 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
local Color2 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 235, 255)
-- [0 -> 1]. if 0, the beat won't go down, if 1, it will follow it without smoothing
local beatDownAggressiveness = 0.1
-- [0 -> 1]. if 0, the beat won't go up, if 1, it will follow it without smoothing
local beatUpAggressiveness = 0.9

local function lerp(a, b, t)
	return a + (b-a)*t

function inverseLerp(a, b, x)
	return math.clamp((x-a)/(b-a), 0, 1)

local lastT = 0

	if on == true then
		local t = inverseLerp(0, 300, Sound.PlaybackLoudness)

		if t >= lastT then
			t = lerp(lastT, t, beatUpAggressiveness)
			local change = Color1:Lerp(Color2, t)

			ambience = change

			t = lerp(lastT, t, beatDownAggressiveness)
			local change = Color1:Lerp(Color2, t)

			ambience = change


		lastT = t

PlaybackLoudness doesn’t permeate across the client-server model, are the sounds being played from the server or from the client?

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Client, it is also to note that I have worked with a different script involving playbackloudness and ambience, which used to work. But when changing to a script like this, it didn’t however it did work when involving a part color instead of ambience.