All properties are case sensitive.
You need to capitalize the “A” in “Anchored”.
And likely also the “T” in “Terrain” if your Terrain object is spelled this way.
I have capitalised the A although it still has a problem. Could it be something to do with that 2 things have nearly the same name? Btw I want the model to work not the terrain its self.
You are not able to anchor terrain. Terrain itself does not move. (Unless you mean terrain and not Terrain in which you forgot to capitalize the first letter of Anchored.)
Sorry about that i sent the 1 without a capalised A although I did do it.
Also you do not need to set the workspace variable.
workspace is a global variable and does not need to be defined.
Example: workspace.Part.Touched:Connect()
Ah ok ill try that thanks for that!
Are you trying to anchor a model or a part? If it is a model, you will have to loop through all the children of the model.
for _,Part in ipairs(workspace.terrain:GetChildren()) do
Part.Anchored = true
You will have to loop through all the children of the model.
for _,Part in ipairs(workspace.terrain:GetChildren()) do
Part.Anchored = true
just do for i,v in pairs(workspace.terrain:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = true end end
Thanks both of you for the help!