Animating a npc to stand up from a chair

So I’ve been working on making animations for my npcs in my game, but I got to a guy who is sitting in a chair, and I want him to stand up when you begin talking to him, but I can’t have him already in the sitting state, and I can’t rotate the legs into the sitting position, as that will disconnect the joints, making it so I can’t do the animation.

What I did to solve those problems is just paused the animation pretty much as soon as it starts, having it put him in the sitting animation, but now I have an issue where when it resumes the guy just falls over.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Thanks for your time.
(if this is in the wrong category I’ll change it)

Hmm I don’t know the answer, But try search on YT or Take Help From Roblox Script Server it is very helpful

Have you tried setting Humanoid.Sit to True? This forces the NPC to sit, probably just using the default animation.

sorry for slow reply, but the Roblox Script Assistance Discord didn’t really find a solution either, and YouTube really doesn’t have the best from what I saw on the first like 30 videos

I tried that, and it doesn’t work, I hit play, and it automatically just unselects it.

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